My Study Plan for Next Year, Any Changes Recommended?

So for context, I have been learning for 2 years for 5 hours a day with Anki (Vocab, kanji 30 cards a day each), JLPT Sensei and recently started using ChatGPT (Grammar), and VTubers (Listening). I have also gotten back into VRChat for speaking practice and reading Short stories, NHK Easy, and my JPN Twitter account.


My lofty goal is to reach N1 by the end of next year and I have already stated N2 material 2 weeks ago. So here is my plan:


1.Anki 30 New Nouns, 30 Verbs, 30 Kanji, 5 Adjectives, 5 Adverbs a day to reach about 15 min.

2.30 min of listening to NHK News (Normal), 30 min of TED Talks, 30 min of Anime/Dramas for a total of 2 hours.

3.JLPT Sensei and ChatGPT to learn grammar.


4.30 min of news or novels, 2 hours and 30 min of Visual Novels, Wikipedia, Famitsuu, or Manga depending on what I feel like reading for a total of 3 hours.


5.italki lesson for professional feedback on my speaking, even if the JLPT does not test speaking I still want to improve at it anyway.


6.Test prep with Shin Kanzen Master books and Mock Tests for 30 min.


7.Use everything I learned through the day on VRChat for about 30 min or 1 hour depending if I have time for 1 hour.


With that in mind, would you recommend any changes to speed up to my goal of reaching N1 next year?

  1. > Anki 30 New Nouns, 30 Verbs, 30 Kanji, 5 Adjectives, 5 Adverbs

    If you add 70 new words a day as you have outlined (not even counting the 30 kanji cards), that will get you to 10,000 cards in exactly 142 days, which might be a new record so I’d like to hear how that works.

    > to reach about 15 min.

    Also only 15 min of studying for that sounds awesome! Pls make a followup post in a bit.

  2. People are already giving you good suggestions on other aspects of your plan, so I’ll just add this:

    **Do NOT use ChatGPT to learn grammar.**

    ChatGPT is not a reliable resource for explaining Japanese. (If you want proof/details, see here where one of our most knowledgeable native speaker contributors [pointed out a whole bunch of problems]( with it.)

    Please, *please* *for your own sake* use reliable resources for learning the language. If you can afford them, get textbooks like Genki 1+2, Tobira, Quartet, etc. If you don’t have the money to spend — or prefer to use internet resources — check out Tae Kim, Tofugu, Imabi, Bunpro, etc. (There are other suggestions in the [Starter’s Guide]( if you need them.)

    ChatGPT may occasionally sound convincing, but that’s the danger — it will often be extremely convincingly *wrong* about things, resulting in you filling up your mind with actual wrong and harmful information. Your time, effort, and brain cells are too valuable for this.

  3. There is absolutely zero chance that you can do 70 new cards a day and keep your Anki time below 15 minutes.

    I often hear that Anki reviews tend to stabilise at around 10x your new cards. To do 770 cards (700 reviews + 70 news) in 15 minutes, you’d need to do one card every 1.16 seconds (not counting any cards you Again or repeat).

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