I programmed a script for finding Japanese sentences containing only words I already know

*(Sorry for the long text!)* So, I wanted to find a way to improve how I learn Japanese vocabulary. I think that studying words with apps like Anki is a good start, but of course it’s much better to see the word being used in context, as well.

However, if I go to [Tatoeba.org](https://Tatoeba.org) to find Japanese sentences or to NHK Easy News for Japanese news articles, I’m usually confronted with texts that still contain a lot of words and kanji I don’t know yet. This makes the reading experience very sluggish and a bit frustrating, because I have to look up so many words in order to make sense of what I’m reading.

So, I wrote a program that:

* pulls the Japanese example sentences from [Tatoeba.org](https://Tatoeba.org) and articles from NHK Easy News and analyzes what words each of them contain
* pulls the words from my Japanese Anki deck that I’ve already learned
* based on that, shows me sentences that I should already be able to understand

So far, I’m very happy with the result. It’s much more motivating if you can review your vocabulary by reading Japanese sentences without having to constantly switch to [jisho.org](https://jisho.org) to look words up.

On top of that, the program also shows me which words that I *don’t* know yet show up the most in the scanned example sentences. That way, I have a good idea which words I might want to learn next.

**My questions are:** Does something like this already exist? Maybe not exactly for Anki and Tatoeba, but in a similar vein?

If this doesn’t exist yet, would this be interesting for other people here to use? I’m wondering if it makes sense to keep developing it to a point that it would be comfortable for other people to use as well.

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