Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 19 July 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Why does this bot post a new thread at midnight UTC+3? Wouldn’t it make more sense to do it at midnight JST?

    Oh, probably just 6AM local time, huh?

  2. I’ve been cooling off at Zushi beach twice this summer. I went to Happy Go Lucky bar and got chatting to a couple of guys.

    Has anyone had luck meeting people at any of the other bars at Zushi? I’m thinking of heading down again today.

    Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I’m not girl hunting.

  3. If you apply for your visa extension at the branch office, do you also pick up your residence card at the same branch office or do you need to go the main office?

  4. What is the best solution to squeaky hinges?

    It’s a rental apartment (new construction) but the closet doors are really loud when they are opened.

    A quick google comes up with things like WD-40 or petroleum jelly but I’m curious if there are any Japan specific products out there.

    Not sure what I would search for in Japanese so key words are also welcome.

  5. How do you mentally deal with a supervisor who is just out of touch and says ignorant stuff? I try to not let it get to me but it gets so irritating having your skills downplayed and your bosses say very dumb and ignorant things.
    How do you deal with it? It’s easy to say “ignore it” but in practice…

  6. Does teeth whitening paste thats sold in various drugstore actually works?
    Last time I tried belly fat burner kinda tablet(that have flame inside stomach cover) didnt work😅

  7. i flew out of Haneda and there was a ton of prescription medicine in a gallon ziplock bag that was on the floor of the hallway leading to the bathroom. i flagged down a security guard (not police) and pointed it out and she got mad at me and told me to leave it alone. she spoke pretty good english so i’m sure she understood me. i saw her later at the gate and she gave me the stink eye. did i do something wrong?

  8. Hello everyone,

    Since I am new here in Reddit and still learning how to Reddit, I have a question that I want to ask (since my karma is low, I can’t really post anything yet).

    I am presently in the process of applying for a permanent residence visa through the HSP track. I submitted my application at the end of April and have not received any updates from immigration thus far. However, I am planning to be away from Japan for a few weeks at the end of July for a business trip and vacation. My question is, should I notify immigration about my upcoming trip abroad?

    Given that no one will be available at home, and I won’t be able to collect the new residence card if it is granted while I am away, at least until I return to Japan. I would appreciate hearing about anyone’s experiences or advice on this matter.

    Thank you!

  9. I have been living here for a few years now and occasionally think about this but have yet to properly ask anywhere.

    Is picking your nose in public here not seen as something… grotesque? I swear everyday while I’m driving, in the train, at the office, while out shopping – it’s a pretty common scene to see people digging for gold up there. They also seemingly do it with no concern or regard that people around them might see. I guess the question is if it’s simply a public socially accepted behavior as opposed to something one would do in private?

  10. 2 totally random questions:

    1) why does Belco never sell cauliflower? Well at least mine never has any, which is sad as kids love it…

    2) anyone knows where to buy a non-gas oven (not microwave) that can hold at 250C for 120 minutes? This is a common appliance in Europe but I can’t find anything that fits the bill anywhere (considering import and getting an extra 200v line in the kitchen).

  11. What is your bank lead time for making bank statements (english and japanese)?

    SMBC takes 2 weeks. Which is why I am considering opening another one who is faster.

  12. My door is made of metal and gets hit by the sun from noon to late afternoon, so a lot of heat radiates from it. What can I do to mitigate the heat entering my apartment? I’m thinking of adding a layer of aluminum thermal sheeting to the inside part of the door (is cardboard better?), if not I’ll separate the genkan area with a curtain to make cooling my living area more efficient. Does anyone have experience with this? I’m not sure I can install an awning or shade over the front of my door since I’m just renting

  13. what’s the best app for calorie tracking these days?

    Focus on being able to quickly and painlessly register products from the grocery store and rice, veggies, etc, rather than konbini or overseas products.

    Android. Free is obviously best but don’t mind paying a few hundred yen if it’s nice and smooth. Not too concerned about nutrient tracking, but being able to see calories and protein would be good.

  14. To anyone that does ebay or other sites that sell things abroad, how do you ship a digital watch overseas? It always seems to be blocked by it having a battery inside. I am selling new watches and I can’t just open it up and take the battery out, it wouldn’t really be new then. Or, is that the only way?

  15. Did any former JETs/dispatch ALTs get directly hired by your school or BOE in any capacity?

    If so, is it something you asked about or something just offered to you?

    I feel like it’s something they either like you enough to offer it or not, but I don’t want to be missing my chance if it is something I need to ask about.

  16. How does the x回払い thing work you sometimes have the option for on mercari or certain shops? Does it just charge you bank account monthly or something?

    Follow-up question what would happen if you selected 2回払い and the next month you don’t have enough money in your account of you just bought a bunch of stuff and the closed the account? It seems so easily abused I can’t believe it’s such a common thing.

  17. Looking at data roaming with LINEMO for when I visit England. Am I misunderstanding, or are both of these just not a good deal at all…? The first one has a data limit per day and the second one is basically unlimited.

    The first one has 24hr and 72hr deals but in true Japan fashion there’s literally no discount there lmao

    If I do the first one I’ll still be paying like ¥15,000 for a 2 week trip? Hahaha. I think I’ll just get a sim in England!


  18. My fellow cereals eater, what are your recommendation that we can somehow find easily here ?

    In my supermarkets close by its like 90% granola/muesli stuff (west tokyo)


  20. Hey Guys, I saw there is a calisthenics parc close by where I live (it’s basically a “street gym”, pull up bars for bodyweight exercices).

    I was wondering if it was ok for me to workout shirtless, as the heat is pretty high ? I might go very early in the morning, or late in the night to avoid the sun, and as much people as I can.

  21. Parents: where do you buy decently priced formal wear for toddler boys? We have a wedding to go to next month and I don’t recall seeing anything at birthday or nishimatsuya. Hoping to avoid spending too much as he’ll probably grow more before we can use it again.

  22. How do I shop for gas/electricity utilities in Kanagawa (moving there in a couple weeks)? My boss tells me these utilities aren’t monopolized and that I can get deals, but google doesn’t give me a whole lot of good results.

  23. I’m trying to find a theater that shows the new ghibli movie 君たちはどう生きるか but with english subtitles. I live in Tokyo/Yokohama area if that matters. Anyone with any luck?

  24. Do you guys think there is any chance of a stimulus package this year? Struggling with price increases.

  25. I’ve got sweaty workout clothes that I’d like to wash with white vinegar to get the smell out. Think this fairly accepted in my home country.

    Anything to keep in mind in terms of potential hiccups with doing it with a Japanese washer?
    I have a classic top loader with no dryer function if it matters.

  26. In what was probably the most terrifying moment of my day today, came to my apartment lobby and there was a huge cockroach crawling around. I’m not super worried about an infestation (the first floor is just two outside entrances, mailboxes, the elevator, and the bottom of the outdoor stairs), especially since I’m up pretty high, but to sate my anxieties, anywhere else you would consider spraying with bug spray besides entrances, windows, and drains?

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