Finishing up Spousal Visa paperwork, what other jobs are available for people without Bachelor’s Degrees?

Howdy everyone, hope you’re doing as well as you can during this summer heat!

I’m an American citizen, and my wife and I are finishing up our Spouse of a Japanese National visa paperwork for me to join her in Japan, specifically Miyazaki, and I was curious on what work is available for people who have not yet finished their bachelor degrees, yet also don’t need a work visa

I have seen GaijinPot and JobsinJapan referenced here and on /r/teachinginjapan and I have even seen USAJobs referenced in the wiki, but is there perhaps other work opportunities available?

if it helps anyone kind enough to reply, here are some of my qualifications + background:

Most of my career so far has been involved with working in Emergency Medical Services, specifically with telecommunications. From this work, I also have some management skills under my belt, and my team as well as bosses above me consistently note my patience and kindness when interacting with both the team I have helped manage as well as our clients. I also am a native English speaker, fluent in Spanish, and I’m currently learning Japanese, right now I’m at about N3 level for conversational Japanese.

Thanks for reading, any and all help is greatly appreciated, and I hope y’all have a great day!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Finishing up Spousal Visa paperwork, what other jobs are available for people without Bachelor’s Degrees?**

    Howdy everyone, hope you’re doing as well as you can during this summer heat!

    My wife and I are finishing up our spousal visa paperwork for me to join her in Japan, specifically Miyazaki, and I was curious on what work is available for people who have not yet finished their bachelor degrees, yet also don’t need a work visa

    I have seen GaijinPot and JobsinJapan referenced here and on /r/teachinginjapan and I have even seen USAJobs referenced in the wiki, but is there perhaps other work opportunities available?

    if it helps anyone kind enough to reply, here are some of my qualifications + background:

    Most of my career so far has been involved with working in Emergency Medical Services, specifically with telecommunications. From this work, I also have some management skills under my belt, and my team as well as bosses above me consistently note my patience and kindness when interacting with both the team I have helped manage as well as our clients. I also am a native English speaker, fluent in Spanish, and I’m currently learning Japanese.

    Thanks for reading, any and all help is greatly appreciated, and I hope y’all have a great day!

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  2. Assuming by “Spousal Visa” you mean “spouse of a Japanese national” you can do literally any job you can convince to hire you.

    Your best bet in the short term is to visit the HelloWork office wherever you end up. They will connect you with local jobs. I wouldn’t count on anything too exciting at first, but it’ll get you started.

    Your chances of finding anything in your current field in Miyazaki with limited Japanese are, quite frankly *very* low. You might be able to find something in telecom in Fukuoka, which is a regional tech hub, but that would be a hell of a commute.

    Is your current position something that can be done remotely? That’s the first thing you should be looking at.

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