Weekly Thread: Victory Thursday!

Happy Thursday!

Every Thursday, come here to share your progress! Get to a high level in Wanikani? Complete a course? Finish Genki 1? Tell us about it here! Feel yourself falling off the wagon? Tell us about it here and let us lift you back up!

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

1 comment
  1. Week two update. I learned around 150 kanji meanings and a couple hundred words. Still working learning readings for my vocab words. Grammar is my weak point right now. I’m starting to be able to pick out words in anime now. I’m very happy with my progress.

    Going into this, I thought kanji would be the hardest part, but it’s somehow the easiest part for me.

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