How is the “All in One Kanji” Anki deck meant to be studied ?

Hi everyone,
I first want to mention that i’m still a beginner and that it’s not been long since I started learning Japanese, I’ve been mainly focusing on vocabulary as apparently it’s better to have a bit of vocab before getting into grammar and on top of that I am pretty busy right now and will only have more time to myself in two weeks.

Anyway, I’m basically doing WaniKani whenever I can, usually two or three times a day (I try to do it at least on the morning and in the evening), and the Core 2k/6k deck, however, I recently downloaded the All in One Kanji deck as I saw a lot of people using it but I don’t really understand what I’m supposed to do with it, there are just tons of information on each card, currently I’m doing 3 new cards a day (as it’s what I saw other people do) and I only try to remember the translation and one of the reading (as I’m only at the beginning of the deck I’m only seeing the numbers right now which I already know). Sorry if this is a dumb question but I’m genuinly lost, should I learn other readings? The stroke order of the kanji? Some words that are written with it?

Thanks in advance! (Btw how many new cards should I learn each day ?)

1 comment
  1. The short answer is “anyway you like”. This deck has all the info for each kanji in one place so that you can turn it into whatever you want it to be. It is not preconfigured to teach you anything specific and hence maybe not a good choice for a complete beginner.

    To give you an example, you could turn this deck into an RRTK deck by sorting by kanji frequency, putting the kanji on the front and a keyword + story to remember the keyword on the back. Many people find that knowing a keyword for each kanji helps them with learning vocabulary. Most people btw consider learning kanji readings a complete waste of time.

    Having said that, if you are using WaniKani, you are already doing *a lot* of individual kanji study (some would say more than necessary) and if I was you I would simply drop the all in one kanji deck again and focus on vocabulary and grammar instead.

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