Legal rules around donating sperm?

I met a Japanese lady in her late 40s who has been trying to get pregnant. She has asked me if I’d be willing to donate my sperm (either directly in a clinic and/or us slamming) to help her get pregnant. I suggested a written contract to absolve me of any commitment to her or potential future child to which she’s agreed. Are there any legal considerations I should think about in this situation? Would a contract be held in court? What type of lawyer should I consult for such a context when reviewing contract?

Update: Clearly, I can’t have my pie and eat it too. This doesn’t seem like a bright idea. Btw, appreciate both the educational responses and the teasing. Classic Jlife thread. Love you all!

  1. “Son, your life began with a reddit post that featured the phrase ‘us slamming'”

  2. I will need to search online but there is an official website where she can put her profile up asking for your sperm. Through her profile she can make it clear that she is only wanting sperm through in vitro (aka Turkey baster style).

    Applying through this website will show proof that you had intentions to only donate and she isn’t looking to honey-trap you into becoming her baby-daddy.

    If things go awry, then you have digital proof.

  3. There are no legal restrictions on sperm donation by private individuals.

    There’ve been cases where private donors have been sued after the fact when their background (ethnic or educational) has been falsified, and married sperm donors and their recipients using the “traditional” deposit route have been sued for adultery.

    Sperm donors using artificial insemination cannot recognize a child born from the donation, have no support obligation, and the child cannot become a legal heir. A child conceived from donated sperm cannot claim parental acknowledgment. This is all protected under a recent law from 2020 – but these protections don’t extend to “direct” donations – slamming as you put it.

    So yeah, pretty much legally risk free if you go the artificial insemination route and have it documented, and have been honest about your background, and of course keep the documentation that the conception was done via artificial methods.

    If you go the slammin’ route, there’s a chance she – or the child – can come back and claim child support, even if you have a paper agreement.

  4. I am pretty sure that you’ll still be on the hook for child support. Only anonymous donors have legal protections, if memory serves.

  5. I recall a previous case which involved a Chinese guy and it became a huge media case, in the end the mixed baby boy was given up for adoption (Japanese mum abandoned it), she also got into a lot of trouble with her Japanese husband. The whole thing sounds shady af. Be careful what you are getting yourself into.

  6. Don’t do it she is an older lady so the chances of having a child with disabilities is sadly higher

  7. Lol have a wank and come back to this post and see if you still feel the same way.

  8. mmm…. late 40s with her **own** eggs via “slamming”?

    Very unlikely to work.

    This has got heartache written all over it. Run.

  9. Holy smokes – a desperate Japanese women in her late 40s warns you to donate your sperm so she can have a kid – and you are seriously thinking of going ahead with it? I’d run a mile if I were you and not look back.

  10. 9 months later – “Middle-aged woman I did a favour and slammed claiming child support wat do?”

  11. There are a lot of fertility clinics in Japan, especially in Tokyo she can go to any of those too help her get pregnant.

  12. I think its a more professional way to ask for slamming. Just do it with a popin balloon.

  13. Given there are sperm banks in Japan, why does she want you and go through the extra fuss ?

  14. I’m not gonna pile on with the teasing, I’ll just say I know you wanted to pile on her and I don’t think this is a good idea.

  15. It might just be a roundabout way of asking for sex? Late 40’s seems highly unlikely that she can conceive unless she froze her eggs?

  16. Late 40’s is very unlikely to work even with IVF, let alone turkey baster or slamming.
    Japan is notoriously bad at forcing dads to pay child support, so I doubt that is her target.

  17. Omg this is the funniest post I’ve seen in a while. Comments are killing me 😂

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