Can a student get a prescription for methlyphenidate (aka Ritalin, Metadate)

Hi. Title pretty much says it. My son is spending a year at university in Osaka. Japanese law does not allow mailing this medication into the country, and my insurance is not allowing me to procure a full year’s supply for him.

Does anyone know if this medication is available in Japan, and if there would be a way for him to bring in a couple month’s supply and get a prescription for the rest? Thank you.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Can a student get a prescription for methlyphenidate (aka Ritalin, Metadate)**

    Hi. Title pretty much says it. My son is spending a year at university in Osaka. Japanese law does not allow mailing this medication into the country, and my insurance is not allowing me to procure a full year’s supply for him.

    Does anyone know if this medication is available in Japan, and if there would be a way for him to bring in a couple month’s supply and get a prescription for the rest? Thank you.

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  2. >Does anyone know if this medication is available in Japan

    Yes, but…

    Ritalin is ***highly*** regulated, and is a royal pain in the ass to get a prescription for. It is generally not prescribed for ADHD either, but rather for sleep disorders.

    If it’s at all possible you should consult with your son and his doctor about moving over to Concerta. It’s *still* a pain to get, but much less so than Ritalin.

    > if there would be a way for him to bring in a couple month’s supply and get a prescription for the rest?

    For more than a month’s supply you need get a Yunyu Kakunin-sho (import certificate) from the [Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare](

    And you absolutely need to send as much with him as possible. You can’t just walk into a pharmacy with a foreign prescription. Especially not for something like Concerta. Doubly (or more) so for Ritalin. He’ll need to get effectively re-diagnosed by a Japanese professional. That’s a process that takes a fair amount of time and effort.

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