Japan reports 94,493 coronavirus cases

Japan reports 94,493 coronavirus cases


  1. Meh, 90 people hospitalized, pretty much a drop in the bucket. With the milder new variants and widespread vaccination, it really doesn’t seem like a big problem at this point.

  2. The Japanese media needs to stop reporting and obsessing over these case numbers, which are largely irrelevant to the general public at this point. These daily headlines have been continuing for 2.5 years now.

    In Europe, most countries are going through the same wave right now, but COVID barely gets a mention in the media. People live normally, anxiety is much reduced, hospitalisations remain low.

  3. Yet another waved not caused by foreigners but yet Japanese will be gobsmacked when one suggests plexiglass in a packed restaurant did not actually work.

  4. Lol imagine if they reported how many people had colds and stuff. The public would shit their pants over there

  5. Literally more per capita than counties they are banning tourism from. Nonsensical to a massive degree

  6. Extreme Isolation, over-protection, over-vaccination while the rest of the world moves on. Covid is here to stay on this earth forever and as the rest of the world’s humanity slowly builds nature immunity (along with reasonable vaccinations) against current and new variants Japan’s population will be weak against these. Just like the economy… so many laws, regulations and over-protection of workers that salaries are basically the same as they were 30 years ago while most economies and salaries have double, tripled and even quadrupled.

  7. If society really wanted to effectively reduce cases, they’d stop eating indoors or gathering privately indoors with people outside their household. It doesn’t make sense to zealously mask outdoors and inside retail stores if you’re going to as many full restaurants and removing masks during meals. The closest one can get to reaping the safety benefits of masking inside a restaurant for a meal is only lifting their mask for 1 second to let food in, and then immediately putting the mask back on to chew and swallow. Every single bite. Masks work but only if they are on 100% of the time indoors in public.

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