Teacher Water Cooler – Month of February 2023

Discuss the state of the teaching industry in Japan with your fellow teachers! Use this thread to discuss salary trends, companies, minor questions that don’t warrant a whole post, and build a rapport with other members of the community.

Please keep discussions civilized. Mods will remove any offending posts.

  1. I hate when the university managers etc say that it’s difficult finding teachers. We got an email asking for help recruiting part time lecturers at my uni. That they’re having difficulty recruiting this year. Except that we know full well they are trying to fill the koma vacated by not recruiting full time teachers anymore. They had no problem finding full time teachers, funnily enough.

    So, no, I can’t recommend any teachers for your part time roles sorry.

  2. How long do you wait after submitting an article for publication before contacting the journal’s editors?

    Similarly, has anyone ever submitted an article to a journal, received absolutely no reply for 6 months+, then went ahead and submitted the same article to a different journal?

  3. McQuillan and Krashen are pushing acquired phonics. As with most stuff with Krashen I kinda feel he is both right and wrong. He is correct there is an acquired phonics, he is wrong to think its enough to carry most readers into independent readers. This is backed up by recent intercranial recordings that show the lexical letter box route has an phonetic similarity effect on the phonetic route/ letterbox. This also works with some chinese research showing their is an odd acquired phonetic effect with character radicals that just kinda develops.

    This always puts me at odds with krashen people and phonetics people. Because I agree with Krashen students need lots of compelling comprehensible input at 98% level but also agree they need structured phonics. I have seen statements from phonics people claiming all they have to do is teach phonics and its up to the students to read. On the flip side I see statements from Krashen and McQuillan that they don’t need phonics. That said, cueing is just BS an is a skill easily picked up once you have acquired and learned reading.

  4. Any Eikaiwa people who haven’t should sign the inflation petition that’s floating around~

  5. Some teachers in uni don’t really want to work full time.. there are many aspects of part-time that are appealing….

  6. I hope most of us are familiar with the various certificates one can get to add a little flair to a resume- I’m talking the TEFl,, TESOl, CELTA and DELTA. I’ll just say that for a variety of reasons- including you don’t really *need* one of these to potentially get hired- I’ve been putting it off. So I decided it’s about time to finally get some of the lower level ones, and did some research on what they are. And wow… they’re acronyms certainly, and what they stand for explains *a lot* of the attitude on this sub.

    For those who don’t know, TEFL and TESOL are Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. There is a difference, but either way, they’re considered low level and many would say the MNIMUM for anyone wanting to teach abroad- heck, I think teaching in South Korea actually requires it.

    Then there’s the CELTA and DELTA, and just… damn. I’m starting to think most users here want the university jobs the most, and that anything below those aren’t worth it. My reasoning? While I concede that CELTA (and probably DELTA as well) are the most recognized and sought-after… here’s what they stand for, respectively: Certificate in English Language Teaching *to* *Adults*, and Diploma in English Language Teaching *to Adults*.

    Translation: While they should be good for any level of teaching, they’re courses designed specifically to teach *other adults*. And with that, both of those can go screw off. What keeps me here are the kids. I enjoy teaching my junior high school kids (and elementary to a certain amount), and university-level teaching has NEVER been a goal of mine, despite what might get pushed on this sub.

    So if anyone pushes for the CELTA or DELTA, it’s because they’re pushing for university-level stuff, and for me at least, that is a complete No Thank You.

  7. Is there an alternative to laminating something? Like a plastic peel you can put over some sheets. Currently in a position where I want to laminate something but do not want to buy a laminator. Also cannot do it at work.

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