Withholding Visa paperwork from someone..

So, my GF is waiting on her Worker Visa to come through, but she had a bad falling out with her part time employer. Her employer had advised my GF to use her address instead of her real one, because immigration likes so see an actual house address over an apartment address apparently?

Anyways, they had a real bad falling out when she quit, and she just told my GF good luck with your Visa, that it’d be better if she went back to the Philippines.

As it’s been over a month since she applied, we were expecting it any day now, but it sounds like she will hide when she gets it.. which I’d assume is a pretty decent crime

The Visa was through her full time company, completely unrelated to her part time job.

  1. Philippine visa’s are a mine field of stupid shit, and yes, if the company doesn’t want to support anymore, that will also mean the dispatch company won’t support anymore and they either go home or try and stay illegally in Japan. Now that in Japan could mean one of two illegals, either a they get a visa and stay legally here but illegally according to the philipines (which can restrict entry and exit based on this status) or they stay here without a work visa and that’s even worse.

    POLO will get up in their grill if they disobey any rules regarding Philippine expats, and can prevent them from leaving the country again even for personal reasons.

    Keep in mind this system is entirely different from how most foreigners exist in the country from both a Japanese visa side, as well as the Philippine national side of things as well.

  2. If your GF only used her part time job employer’s address to receive the post card then she can simply call immigration and request to change that address to her own.

  3. Using a random person’s address instead of your actual address, especially when that random person has nothing to do with application, makes absolutely no sense. Why did she do this? Did she try telling immigration that she moved since applying?

  4. just tell immigration ASAP about the address change so the approved visa gets sent to your address. living in a house or mansion doesnt matter so thats all bullshit from her previous boss.
    the part time employer might be threatening to call immigration with a complaint about your gf, but as long as she did nothing wrong then its nothing to worry about.
    if her full time employer had an immigration lawyer/agent process her work visa then there is even less to worry about.

  5. Why the fuck would you use your part time job boss as your official address for anything?

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