More mercari woes – advice needed

Hi All,

I’ve read many threads about registration/money withdrawal issues for foreigners using Mercari Japan. Sorry I’m adding another! Hoping for someone who has had similar experiences to help solve or advise, since Mercari ‘support’ has been non-existent.


* Successfully registered identidy on Mercari using Japanese driving license showing my full name in katakana (fake name example)

スミス トム ポール

Mercari system couldn’t handle a space between first and middle names, so I was told to delete that space. So my mercari registered ID IS

スミス トムポール


* Made my first sale on mercari for a big ticket item (>400,000 yen)
* Want to transfer the funds to my bank account
* Bank account name is

スミス トム ポール

* Need to register the bank account details in Mercari but, as with ID registration, space between first and middle names not possible.
* If I register bank account name as スミス トムポール (no space), there’s a mismatch and the funds don’t get transferred
* Mercari haven’t provided any fix. Ban says the issue is Mercari system side.
* Mercari won’t allow me to register my wife’s account and transfer funds to her (must be the registered user)
* Mercari has option for me to transfer the funds to Mercari points and use in Mercari. I don’t want that – I want the funds as a lump sum

I use Yahoo Auctions and don’t have this issue.

So, does anyone know if there’s a fix for the above. I don’t intend to change the registered name of my bank account as that would have many knock-on issues and also not possible as bank will only register account in exact format as official ID like driving license. If there’s no fix, is there any other way to get the funds into a more useable currency than Mercari points? e.g If I get a mercari credit card can the funds be transferred to that?


  1. FWIW you can use the Mercari points as money with the QR code in Merpay- it’s accepted at lots of konbini etc, pretty much anywhere that can scan QR codes

  2. They’ll have a support number. Talk to a human.

    The number might be buried and “not recommended because reaching an operator can take a long time” but trust me, you need to escalate this to human. I recently had to deal with this with paypay cos my name is too damn long (even scanning the chip in my driver’s license failed because there was an “unreadable” character – one letter over the limit, even minus spaces. so that gets flagged on the system as an invalid character). I had to resort to google-fu to actually find the phone number for customer service off site… stupidity

  3. Can you open another bank account and register name there as as スミス トムポル?
    I think when I opened bank accounts years ago, I chose katakana myself.

  4. Threaten them with legal action (don’t have to be specific) and ask that the support ticket be escalated to a supervisor. That should at least get someone with some decision making ability involved.

  5. >If I register bank account name as スミス トムポール (no space), there’s a mismatch and the funds don’t get transferred

    – I have 2 first names as well. My bank information has a space like this “スミス トム ポール” but I registered it in mercari without spaces like this “スミス トムポール” and I am able to receive money without issues.

    Maybe you did something wrong with the registration?

  6. Had the same problem. I emailed them saying that my name has a space and they fixed it on their end.

  7. For Mercari I had to go to the bank to set up my bank account. I can now withdraw or charge my Mercari account with funds. On a side note I wonder what you sold that cost 400,000 yen?

  8. Had the same problem and Mercari were fucking useless and could not change my name. In the end I had to remove my middle name on my Mercari account and go to my bank and waste 90 minutes to make sure that they could accept deposits into my account without my middle name. The bank told me that for deposits it is fine with just the first and family name but if I wanted to withdraw/transfer money out of my bank account then it would have to be under my full name as on my passport. Since then theres been no issues at all.

  9. had the same issue with a twist, my name is also “too long” and the bank form does not allow me to write the full name. obviously it mismatches and they refuse the transfer. contacted mercari was told to omit the middle name-> mercari refused my id proof because it did not match.

    escaleted the issue by calling them on the phone too. explained several times… I got a mail from an upper level months later saying that

    “the system cannot accomodate me”.
    so I sold my stuff elsewhere.

  10. I managed to work around this by using my old Yucho bank account and then transferring the funds to my actual bank account.

    The reason this worked for me is probably due to the fact that Yucho was able to register my full name in katakana (3 names and 2 spaces, like yours). I then coupled it with ID verification (本人確認) using my My Number Card – making sure I used the same katakana for the reading of my name.

    If you have multiple bank accounts and a My Number Card, it might be worth a try.

  11. Man, I’m also selling a watch on Mercari and your post just made me delete my listing and post it on Yahoo Auction instead, my name has every possible complication, too long, several middle names, non-standard katakanization, fuck that noise, I don’t want my money stuck with mercari pay.

  12. You can issue a digital prepaid debit card (master card) through the app and it will show in your phone wallet within a few minutes then you can basically use it to pay for anything anywhere.

  13. Resign to fate. Use funds to pay for strong zeros at combini with merupay for rest of eternity.

  14. Best way is to open new bank account and set katakana same as mercary.
    But i had my katakana fixed in bank but it was for paypay case.

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