Weekend Stupid Questions Thread – 30 July 2022

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Suggest some jobs for a dependent visa (or maybe switch to work visa) with limited japanese skills , but has experience as a school teacher in their home country 🤔

  2. It seems like every week people have traffic complaints on the complaint thread. Nothing surprising there, but there’s usually people complaining about Japanese people not understanding 4 way stops. I’ve never even seen a 4 way stop in Japan, is it a regional thing here? Favoured by some local authorities and completely ignored by others?

    I’m genuinely surprised that there’s enough of them for the foreign population to face this issue so regularly

  3. What’s the go-to cheap mobile plan now that Rakuten has discontinued their 0 yen plan?

  4. Do those cool ring things that go around your neck really make you feel cooler outside? I feel like the heat is making them look better than they are.

  5. Is there a local version or site like Meetup? For posting about hobby or social groups.

    I’m trying to expand my social circles, but the Meetup app is mainly international parties and language exchanges, neither of which I’m interested in. My spoken Japanese is fine so I’d like to meet more local people.

  6. Currently in talks with a company for a permanent job in Japan. With my current job(contract basis), I get overtime with a decent hourly rate. However this potential employer is saying that they do not pay for overtime…is that even allowed ?

  7. Am I just unbelievablely blind or is there no itinerary number on my JAL ticket for September yet? I got an email telling me that they had to change the airplane of one of the legs of the flight which I don’t care about but I thought it would be best if I log in and check but I can’t find the itinerary number on the email receipt.

  8. Random, but I was talking to an acquaintance who’s an eikaiwa instructor and I’m now curious—does anyone know how the pandemic has affected the (adult) English teaching industry in Japan?

    I’m mainly wondering if places like Gaba, Nova and the like have closed branches and/or reduced salaries/wages, etc. Is this kind of info available anywhere?

    I’d assume the lack of outbound travel opportunities and the lack of inbound tourists would have majorly decreased a lot of Japanese people’s motivation to study. Then of course in 2020 and 2021, the semi/quasi/pseudo SoEs might have restricted some people’s movements and some businesses’ operations. And finally, the massive adoption of Zoom and similar services have probably led a lot of Japanese people to use DMM Eikaiwa and other similar services for a much cheaper fee than domestic IRL companies employing residents.

    I wonder if the industry (for physical businesses and residents in Japan) is dying. According to my acquaintance, the final nail in the coffin is coming any time now.

  9. Anyone got any suggestions for a body hair shaver / trimmer? (Male, though not sure it matters). Or any advice in general for e.g. shaving belly

  10. Anyone using fixed IP address?

    I’ m moving in a couple of months and need to decide on my ISP soon. I’m currently using Rakuten Broadband which is fine and quite cheap but don’t seem to provide fixed IP. Based on quick googling Asahi is the only one that offers it for home connection but that’s only 200M and my preference is 1G.

  11. If I use 置き配 from Amazon and I live in an apartment, where will the package be put when I choose 玄関? The entrance of the building or the door of my flat? How to say “door of my flat” in Japanese?

  12. Any recommendations for daytime cold/flu medications? It seems like just about everything that works comes with a warning not to drive while taking it.

    I’m not sick now, just want something on stock. What can I take that will still leave me alert enough to care for a toddler, and drive if needed?

  13. Coming from Southeast Asia, both Singapore & Malaysia right now have zero interbank transfer fees. Japan was a shock for me at the absurd fees it has when it comes to bank transactions.

    Are there any other countries in the world that have ridiculous bank fees like Japan?

  14. Anyone get blasted by extreme weed smell here strangely often for a country with such a small (I imagine anyway) userbase?

    Like this train car I’m in now smells like somebody just has bushels in their bag or something. Like seriously it’s like directly sniffing a plastic baggy full of the stuff.

    And I frequently (ish) walk by Japanese people who either have a very unique body odor or were just blazing.

    I doubt if cops here would even be able to recognize pot by smell tbf.

  15. It’s been 8 months (since Dec. 2021, about three days before I tried to send my mum’s Christmas present out) since we could send packages by Japan Post to Canada. My family can send packages here, but we can’t send them there! 🙄 I check the site every couple days to see if this has changed, and it hasn’t budged an inch. What’s anyone willing to bet this changes before December of this year, when I’m headed home to visit? 🙃

  16. Anyone have any recommendations for portable booster seats I can take abroad with me for use in car share services?

  17. How do I change my SummerSonic tickets to the actual ticket? I purchased it in Lawson a few months ago and saw that it isn’t consider the actual ticket yet and needed to be traded I.

  18. First summer in Japan. Goggle gave me mixed results. When will the cicadas stop screaming??

  19. Forgive me for the stupid question, but what are these large cubic structures in the parking lots of many Japanese apartments? Are they septic tanks?

  20. Paying someone to come to my house for 2 hours and care for my cat while my husband and I are in America for 8 days.

    The caretaker is borrowing my crappy mamachari bike because the bus schedule from their neighborhood to mine is super inconsistent/inconvenient. So the question is, do I still comp for transportation since it’s my bike? The caretaker only lives within a 12 min bike ride away.

    I don’t mind comping for it of course, but idk how much comp or if I should since I’m letting them borrow my bike. Any insight is welcomed!

    Edit to add: obviously on the first and last day I’ll pay for round trip transportation costs since they won’t have the bike/have to return it, but the 6 days in between—comp or no comp?

  21. Where the hell do I put the chicken wrapping that came when I bought some chicken breast, are they supposed to go into 燃えろgomi or the plastic ones( I think yellow) , need a reply fast cause it seriously stinks to high heavens.

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