Very random topic : should sex ed in high school not be segregated by gender?

I’ve recently come across a tweet by a JP female complaining about her bf for his lack of understanding on menstruation, and wondered if high schools in Japan should stop segregating sex ed class by gender.
My rationale ; doesn’t segregation hinder student’s understanding on opposite/ different gender?

Edit: if so, why are they keep segregating?

Edit2: My guess is females and males aren’t taught the same materials. I mean, they may uses the same textbook, but not the same stuff.

  1. correct.

    I was getting sex ed taught to me in elementary in Canada, learning about both male and female anatomy. but its probably very similar to the states line of thinking “if we teach kids about it, they’ll go try it out” rhetoric

  2. Thank you for your patience with the perspective of an American teacher’s perspective. The rationale behind segregated sex ed is probably to avoid embarrassment and to encourage a more frank discussion. However this probably just continues to mystify the subject and strengthens the embarrassment.

    Americans (I’m told) are especially embarrassed by the subject of sex, some byproducts of ancient Puritan roots. Certainly it is not considered polite dinner conversation. But it’s wise to understand the mechanics.

  3. I received sex education in Japanese public schools, and it was the same class for all, regardless of gender. We was also taught positively about masturbation.

  4. What exactly do you mean by segregation? I grew up in the States and when I took sex ed in elementary school, they did separate boys and girls but both groups learned about puberty and sex for both sexes. I think segregating by gender for sex ed does make it a little easier to be open and ask questions, but you should still teach more or less the same material to both groups.

  5. When I was a kid (not in Japan or the US), our sex ed class was separated so that we could be more comfortable discussing between us and asking questions (we were like 9), but both groups learned the same things, as far as I know. I personally still like this approach, kids can be terrible.

  6. I think maybe the segregation is so students can ask questions that they would be too embarrassed to ask in front of the opposite sex, which is understandable especially if you take in consideration the culture and the age. Giving them the opportunity to ask those in an environment that feels more safe to them is a good idea imo as Iong as both genders get the same education about the human body and sexuality.

  7. Why not both?

    There should be a space for segregation in order to ensure safety for embarrassing questions. But that doesn’t need to be the venue for every sex ed lesson. They’re tools in a toolkit.

  8. I had mine in the UK in primary school and it wasn’t segregated but in secondary school it was. Actually the sex Ed teacher did a massive setup on a board in secondary school and a friend of mine walked in ripped it all off the wall and fucked it up then the class got cancelled

  9. I am from austria and we had sex ed all together at school but they also invited doctors to gender seperated sessions where people could ask their questions. they did that to ease it for people to ask questions despite being ashamed or shy. on my opinion it is important to learn as much as possible in this field and it was really a good idea.

  10. I think it should be segregated by gender but both groups should be taught the same things. The problem with having a mixed sex-ed class is that girls might be shy to ask certain questions in front of boys etc.

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