Opening a shop in japan

Hello everyone. My fiance and I wish we could move to japan in the future. To do this we thought we could open a music store in some city, in Japan, also because economically I think we can do this (5 milions of yen needed as investment, etc…).
I’ve searched a bit online and found a lot of information about business and start-up visas, but I’m still confused. Is it possible for two people to open a business togheter, and therefore both be owners, without having to go to Japan for doing this (and therefore also find a physical place in which to establish the business, while staying outside Japan)?
I have read that once all the documentation has been done and one of these visas has been obtained, it’s possible to move with a 4 or 6 month permit (extendable) in order to continue with what is needed, and then can apply for residency. it’s correct? And do you have any advice / information on how to proceed, from the beginning?
Thanks a lot in advance!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Opening a shop in japan**

    Hello everyone. My fiance and I wish we could move to japan in the future. To do this we thought we could open a music store in some city, in Japan, also because economically I think we can do this (5 milions of yen needed as investment, etc…).
    I’ve searched a bit online and found a lot of information about business and start-up visas, but I’m still confused. Is it possible for two people to open a business togheter, and therefore both be owners, without having to go to Japan for doing this (and therefore also find a physical place in which to establish the business, while staying outside Japan)?
    I have read that once all the documentation has been done and one of these visas has been obtained, it’s possible to move with a 4 or 6 month permit (extendable) in order to continue with what is needed, and then can apply for residency. it’s correct? And do you have any advice / information on how to proceed, from the beginning?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

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  2. The business visa which would cover this can be quite difficult. 5m yen is the minimum but you also need a solid business plan, proof of experience in the field and employ at least 1 Japanese person. Do you speak Japanese? Iy’s hard enough setting up living arrangements from overseas, setting up a business would be nearly impossible. Getting the actually physical location set up impossible.

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