Music industry career in Japan as a foreigner?

Saw a similar post and it seems people here have a lot of advice and experience with specific industries! Excuse my ignorance if I lack knowledge on the process, I haven’t done a deep dive on the legal logistics of moving (whether through work and having a Japanese employer/through an employer to obtain eligibility), this is more me judging the possibility of such a move and to work towards such a future.

So some context: I’m a university student, and I’m getting my bachelor’s in Business Administration at a pretty good university in **Canada**. I work in the music industry (marketing/promotions side), at least at the moment I’m working in the indsutry, and my goal as I continue to work is to work for a major label and try things out (I think its certainly plausible in my future). by the time I would start seriously considering the move id have like 5 years of experience. In my last year of University, I plan to apply for an exchange program at one of our partner Japanese schools, If I don’t get accepted, I’ll have to travel myself just to see how the country would be.

The main question would be: How is finding a job in the Japanese music industry as a Foreigner? Also, how was adapting to the work environment and what assistance did you receive to move?

So a big concern is also my lack of knowledge of the language, I’m currently learning or trying to, but for foreigners with a limited knowledge of the language how was finding work? Did you just end up studying hard, learning the language expertly first? I imagine this is especially hard because a lot of promotions/marketing in the form of writing is done in Japanese.

I also am pretty sure the music industry is one of the biggest music markets. I dont think its as big here in Canada. But I understand it operates very differently than the west in the way that physical formats dominate in Japan.

Looking to Japan specifically because I’m a pretty big Jrock buff, and there are obviously other aspects of the culture I like (I say I like, but you can’t be to sure till you experience it). Im not ignorant of the work conditions in East Asia, at least my knowledge of foreign countries is more based on what I’ve heard in videos and interviews that were done there.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Music industry career in Japan as a foreigner?**

    Saw a similar post and it seems people here have a lot of advice and experience with specific industries! Excuse my ignorance if I lack knowledge on the process, I haven’t done a deep dive on the legal logistics of moving (whether through work and having a Japanese employer/through an employer to obtain eligibility), this is more me judging the possibility of such a move and to work towards such a future.

    So some context: I’m a university student, and I’m getting my bachelor’s in Business Administration at a pretty good university in **Canada**. I work in the music industry (marketing/promotions side), at least at the moment I’m working in the indsutry, and my goal as I continue to work is to work for a major label and try things out (I think its certainly plausible in my future). by the time I would start seriously considering the move id have like 5 years of experience. In my last year of University, I plan to apply for an exchange program at one of our partner Japanese schools, If I don’t get accepted, I’ll have to travel myself just to see how the country would be.

    The main question would be: How is finding a job in the Japanese music industry as a Foreigner? Also, how was adapting to the work environment and what assistance did you receive to move?

    So a big concern is also my lack of knowledge of the language, I’m currently learning or trying to, but for foreigners with a limited knowledge of the language how was finding work? Did you just end up studying hard, learning the language expertly first? I imagine this is especially hard because a lot of promotions/marketing in the form of writing is done in Japanese.

    I also am pretty sure the music industry is one of the biggest music markets. I dont think its as big here in Canada. But I understand it operates very differently than the west in the way that physical formats dominate in Japan.

    Looking to Japan specifically because I’m a pretty big Jrock buff, and there are obviously other aspects of the culture I like (I say I like, but you can’t be to sure till you experience it). Im not ignorant of the work conditions in East Asia, at least my knowledge of foreign countries is more based on what I’ve heard in videos and interviews that were done there.

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  2. Without fluency, not very feasible unless you have a deep resume with advanced skills in music recording, engineering, editing, and have worked with major labels and major artists, even better if you have won or been nominated for a Grammy. Japan produces plenty of young people who like music, are fluent, have technical skills, won’t need a visa, and won’t struggle to adapt to the industry culture. So if you can import skills and a resume that is harder to come by in Japan you would stand a better chance and the lack of language ability might not be as much of a liability.

  3. Maybe check out the Boston Career Forum? And definitely bolster your Japanese.

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