$28 takeaway Sushi in the Midwest pretty good quality and tasted great!

$28 takeaway Sushi in the Midwest pretty good quality and tasted great!

  1. It’s hard to find a good place in the Midwest but once you find one with consistency, it’s amazing. Enjoy!

  2. I’m in MN and that seems like a good deal for $28. Confused at the people saying it’s expensive, not sure where I could get this much sushi for less.

  3. Looks good. Also, is the word “takeaway” a thing now in America? Not a criticism, just a curiosity.

  4. In my town I can get the “all you can eat” for 20€ and eat 15 times the amount of sushi while it’s 100x the quality because I’m located in the seaside with fresh fish, not bragging, I just feel so lucky lol

  5. I’ve been making sushi at home. I can make a roll for $2-3 depending on the type. It’s been great!!!

  6. Wasabi Chi is the same price but you don’t get as much sashimi. WTao is my favorite that I’ve tried.

  7. I wish I could find a place that does assorted sushi like this for less than 50/60 in my area. Would have to buy the roll for 12 at least, 12 for the nigiri and about 20 for the sashimi.

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