Is my health insurance still valid once my visa is not?

This year I was on a student visa, I quit school recently and the visa is immediately unvalidated, but I have a 3 months tolerance in the country, so I’m still here, looking for a job.

If I show my insurance to a 病院 they will use it and have me pay the minimum amount, but is it legal to do this, or will they be unable to be refunded by the health insurance and/or me have problems?

Thank you!

  1. If your getting a new visa soon, just tell the city hall people that but if your not then it’s no good!

  2. Unrelated to the NHI question but… If I’m understanding correctly, you’re saying your status of residence has been revoked? This would mean that you don’t have a valid status of residence with which you can apply for a change of status.

    If that is the case, when/if you find a job which will sponsor you, you’ll likely have to return to your home country in order to apply for a new visa using the new COE.

  3. > I quit school recently and the visa is immediately unvalidated, but I have a 3 months tolerance in the country

    Something about that statement isn’t quite correct.

    What is your current status of residence? Because it sounds like you’re currently an illegal alien.

    If you’re a legal resident, then yes, your health insurance is still valid. If you switched to a non-resident, say tourist status, then no it is not.

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