Support for Japanese cabinet slips to 28% – media poll | Reuters

Support for Japanese cabinet slips to 28% – media poll | Reuters

  1. Related: Political party support rates (July 22-23), Mainichi Shimbun poll [(Source)](, and Yomiuri Shimbun [(Source)](

    Party | Support Rate (%) – Mainichi | Support Rate (%) – Yomiuri
    Not supporting any party (無党派) | 25(+2)| 42(+2)
    LDP (自民) / Cabinet Support Rate (内閣支持率) | 24(-5)/ 28 (-5) | 33(-1)/ 35 (-6)
    Ishin (維新) | 16(+1) | 9(+3)
    CDP (立憲) | 9(-1) | 4(±0)
    Reiwa (れいわ) | 7(+2) | 2(±0)
    JCP (共産) | 6(±0) | 2(+1)
    Komeito (公明) | 4(±0) | 2(-1)
    DPP (国民) | 4(+1) | 2(±0)
    Sanseito (参政) | 3(±0) | 1(±0)
    seijikajoshi48party (政女) | 1(+1) | 0(±0)
    SDP (社民) | 0(-1)| 0(±0)

    Here’s a graph showing the average approval rate of each party over the last year:

    Zoomed graph of parties with <10% approval:

    Edit: Added today’s [Yomiuri Shimbun approval rating poll results]( above. Yomiuri’s polling leans more conservative than Mainichi’s, but it also shows a similar 6 point drop in cabinet approval.

  2. Yet no one seems capable of organizing a credible opposition.
    The LDP have, either accidentally or on purpose, become masters of divide and conquer.

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