Japan to see price hikes on 35,000 food, drink items by end of 2023

Japan to see price hikes on 35,000 food, drink items by end of 2023


  1. I’m getting tired of these price hikes. Low wages were fine only because things were cheap, price hikes are going overboard

  2. I’m curious, do other economies report price hikes by individual items? Like a 350ml can of Coca-Cola, a 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola and a 500ml bottle of Coke Zero being counted separately?

  3. Looks like demand for a lot of these items will go down in my house. 🤷‍♀️

  4. Stop drinking booze, eating shitty food and grow your own… easy peazy.

  5. Baker here, 2020 I could purchase bulk California raisins for ¥100/180g, my last order was ¥100/30g. No one wants to pay ¥1,800 for a loaf of raisin bread.

  6. How do the politicians who are suppose to “represent”think we can survive this if it keeps going?

    When are people gonna riot cause they can’t afford food?

  7. I’d live off instant ramen, but even that is getting expensive.

    I wonder if a western kidney is worth more than a local one.

  8. Honestly don’t care. My annual bonus was huge last December. It’s important that we remember to keep the populist mumbo jumbo from the West at bay here in Japan. Rising prices and a weakened currency are good for Japan.

  9. Look up how much of your tax money goes to servicing the public debt, i.e. a black hole of the already very wealthy for the most part.

    Hint: it’s an obscene percentage.

    The entirely financial, monetary, and banking systems are mathematically rotten, top to bottom. We only use these because they evolved and it’s become convention.

    Automation through AI and climate change are going to literally force us to rethink the entire system at a very fundamental level. Brace yourselves, this really is on the horizon.

  10. Thank God I’m a landowner.

    Poor Westerners shouldn’t really be here anyway.

  11. I was just in Japan this summer, and it blew my mind that many of the products I bought and consumed in the early oughts while I was there as a college student are STILL the same price as they were when I was there nearly two decades ago. Compared to the inflation in America right now, Japan is still in great standing. Corporate greed is everywhere, but Japan seems practically untouched by the fad.

  12. I went to go donate blood the other day and was surprised to see more people than usual at the clinic.

    Turns out the clinic was having an event where they gave a half dozen eggs to every person that donated 400mL. Could just be coincidence, but the number of college age people makes me think otherwise.

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