Moving to Japan – Cybersecurity Market

Hi everyone,

After a recent visit to Japan, I decided to explore the option to move and work there for a while.

Given that I am a cybersecurity professional in one of the consulting firms in the MiddleEast, I was wondering about a few things.

1. Is Japan open to foreign workers who do not speak Japanese at this point of time yet are interested to develop the capability?

2. Are english speakers acceptable in the domain of cybersecurity?

3. How are big4 looking there? Hows the working environment particularly in the cybersecurity function since for the other domains like finance big4 are horrible everywhere. Do they accept english speakers?

4. What other good companies can be targeted who bring in overseas worker in Japan (sponsor)?

5. How is the cybersecurity market in Japan atm? Is the business flourishing? Are cybersecurity human resource worthy/valuable? What does a typical salary range look like for a manager level position?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Moving to Japan – Cybersecurity Market**

    Hi everyone,

    After a recent visit to Japan, I decided to explore the option to move and work there for a while.

    Given that I am a cybersecurity professional in one of the consulting firms in the MiddleEast, I was wondering about a few things.

    1. Is Japan open to foreign workers who do not speak Japanese at this point of time yet are interested to develop the capability?

    2. Are english speakers acceptable in the domain of cybersecurity?

    3. How are big4 looking there? Hows the working environment particularly in the cybersecurity function since for the other domains like finance big4 are horrible everywhere. Do they accept english speakers?

    4. What other good companies can be targeted who bring in overseas worker in Japan (sponsor)?

    5. How is the cybersecurity market in Japan atm? Is the business flourishing? Are cybersecurity human resource worthy/valuable? What does a typical salary range look like for a manager level position?

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  2. This question gets asked here every month or so—First read the [old cybersecurity threads](

    If you too “busy” to read the previous cybersecurity threads, the general consensus is:

    1. You need N1 Japanese or better to be effective in most cybersecurity jobs…duh.

    2. Cybersecurity is poorly developed in Japan and is often “Security through Obscurity” ^*{which* ^*ain’t* ^*security}* and therefore is not particularly well paid here.

    3. Working for the Big4 is good (but highly competitive) except for some time-zone night jobs.

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