Shikoku salary and costs

How much do you spend in a month in Shikoku (Yen) (e.g., groceries, rent, utilities) and what is your gross monthly salary (Yen)? Is gross 150,000 to 200,000 more than enough? Is it enough to save some money (assuming you don’t have expensive hobbies) and how much?

I might be moving there for work and I really do not know the living situation there. I also get varying numbers on google. Thought it’d be best to ask the people already living there.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Shikoku salary and costs**

    How much do you spend in a month in Shikoku (Yen) (e.g., groceries, rent, utilities) and what is your gross monthly salary (Yen)? Is gross 150,000 to 200,000 more than enough? Is it enough to save some money (assuming you don’t have expensive hobbies) and how much?

    I might be moving there for work and I really do not know the living situation there. I also get varying numbers on google. Thought it’d be best to ask the people already living there.

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  2. You can live on that much in Tokyo, if you lower your standard of living enough, so definitely in Shikoku (if you are single). But that’s still not a very good salary (barely above minimum wage). You might want to consider if you can’t get more money elsewhere.

  3. I’d say pretty tough.

    For the 150,000 to 200,000 per month gross bracket you will probably have to expect 10% gone for taxes health ins. and pension assuming you are a full time employee.

    Then a not so old apartment rent in a rural area/suburban may be like 40,000 a month for 1 person.

    Eating generously and out every now and then maybe another 60,000 a month.

    Cell phone, utilities and internet, maybe another 10,000 a month.

    This only leaves you only a few tens of thousands of yen per month for leisure and saving.

    If this is like an on site factory job where they provide you dormitory and free or heavily subsidized meals then it might be doable. If not, I think it will be a real struggle in the long run.

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