G1 Climax Day 6 Spoilers: Finlay-EVIL situation

G1 Climax Day 6 Spoilers: Finlay-EVIL situation

  1. Welp. This was all left completely vague lmao. No story development. Gotta love BC Civil (Non)Wars

  2. I would love to sit Gedo down and ask him what his thought process behind this is.

  3. Finlay is not a main eventer. Hate to say that but nothing about him speaks possible world champion. It is quite fitting he is winning the c block the thing he started like 4 or 5 years ago as a joke

  4. Because this rendition of the BC just seems like the ones who would do it, I’m going to enjoy when Gedo’s services are no longer needed by BC. Gedo then tries to find another star or faction to bring BC down. Going from group to group and nobody taking his offer since they wouldn’t trust him. Potentially attempting an emotional re-connection with Okada after doing everything he can to prove his need for forgiveness.

    It would be fun.

  5. Just gotta trust, I don’t think he has it either but hey, I was also down on Jay White when they anointed him as a main eventer too lol

  6. I think a lot of people complaining need to accept that with Jay White gone, Gedo gives zero fucks about bullet club lmao. This just seems like a lot of complaining from western fans because they only care about bullet club when it’s obvious Gedo doesn’t care anymore.

    What are you all expecting? Gedo to book some complex BC civil war when he’s never given a damn about it?

  7. Man, I thought Finlay would grow on me. He’s not even doing anything wrong necessarily, he’s just boring and uninteresting.

  8. I need kenta to somehow turn his g1 around by beating everyone from now on and winning the g1 taking the mantle and fingering both evil, togo, finley and gedo “you need another man to do your fighting, i brought heads and titles, you brought a cheap whore”

  9. BC leader spot is pretty much guaranteed to be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion in future. But I still can’t see Finlay as IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. He still looks midcard guy to me.

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