Weekly Thread: Writing Practice Monday! (July 24, 2023)

Happy Monday!

Every Monday, come here to practice your writing! Post a comment in Japanese and let others correct it. Read others’ comments for reading practice.

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

  1. 今日は結構忙しいだった。起きること後で、相変わらずパソコンをつけて、毎日の漢字と文法練習した。









    この僕の最初な思想は「そんなに疲れたので、どうやってこんなたくさんもの出来るのか?!無理でしょう。。。」と思った。そして、絶望に落ちた。 (実は、練習することが楽しかった!)

  2. 今日は通電用のケーブルは壊してしまったので、スマフォをよく使えなくなって困ります。何故かっていうと、それは友達やお母さんからの大事な連絡が取れなくなったんだ。



  3. *This is my first time in a long time to write in Japanese, so I am almost certain I wrote in a very unnatural manner or made many grammatical mistakes. But please correct my mistakes as much as possible!*

    > Once in Japan, I ended up sleeping in my car and woke up only to find out it couldn’t start up anymore.


    > I was visiting Japan many years ago and had the audacity to drive with a couple of friends from Tokyo to Mt. Fuji during the summer. Mt. Fuji was amazing; the views were spectacular, and surprisingly, it was eerily quiet.


    > On my drive back to Tokyo, we decided to take a stop at Izu peninsula. I had originally planned to stay at a yado/juku. But because I was an idiot, I didn’t know I had to call ahead to reserve. As a result, we didn’t find a place to sleep for the night.


    > Being the idiot I was, I told my friends, no biggie, let’s just sleep in the car for a night. “Not before long, we’ll be back in Tokyo by tomorrow!”


    > Well, the night passed and became early morning. My friends and I took a quick “pit-stop” at the nearby 7-eleven to discretely brush teeth/mouth wash. And after a quick convenience-store-breakfast, we got back into the car, and I pressed the button. To my surprise, nothing happened. I pressed again.. again, nothing.


    > As it turned out, during the night, I left the fan on to cool us down. It was summer time; we had to leave the windows closed, b/c otherwise, the mosquitos would have kept biting us.


    > I now know how stupid I was. Always plan ahead. Don’t leave the car running.


    > However, I wouldn’t say I was scared. It was very fun! I got to go to Mt. Fuji, and also, I got to spend a long time with my friend… so it wasn’t regrettable.


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