Should The Recount return?

Who else miss The Recount videos

  1. These videos are great and were super helpful for me when I started watching NJPW.

    A great idea for one would be an expose on the history of the 2017-2021 YL class that has been returning recently.

  2. 1000% yes it would be great to have for new viewers who want to learn more about the talent and the history of new Japan.

  3. Absolutely. As someone who only really got into NJPW at the end of the Okada/Tanahashi trilogy these were amazing at helping me understand the development of CHAOS and the like. Bring it back!

  4. I’m still sad we never got a Recount series for Suzuki-gun, but one for LiJ would make me happy.

  5. Hell yes. We can get like two more BC additions, some LIJ, Suzuki-Gun into J5G. We could have one about the World Heavyweight championship.

  6. Yes obviously they were great videos. Recounting the events of past njpw bouts two pardon the pun.

    I love the Recount. I don’t have a subscription to NJPW World so The Recount was the main way I learned about NJPW history. Also, updated vids on Chaos & BD would be great. Aswell as maybe a Kojima/Suzuki-gun series.

  8. The Recount was an excellent series to introduce potential new fans to watch NJPW. They should bring it back

  9. I miss this series so much. It was a great way to get my friends up to date with NJPW factions before big matches.

  10. Definitely. The extremely digestible yet informative content made it really easy to get up to speed with certain factions/general NJPW history.

    Even if someone else made basically the same videos, they wouldn’t be allowed to (legally) use any NJPW footage, which is part of what made those videos so good.

  11. Bullet Club’s recount are the most viewed videos in NJPW’s account, every single other Recount video is at least highly viewed and definitely in the 300k+ mark.

    The biggest issue with new people coming in and watching NJPW is the fact that they kinda don’t understand how things are done or factions and what not. The Recount not only could fix that issue but it’s a good entry into the history of NJPW, how it operates, how rich it is and all of it in the English language for majority to see.

    Why they stopped it i’ll never understand, not to mention it stopped more or less during a time where Strong was starting to become a fleshed out idea ready to eventually be put on.

  12. The Recount was nice and it should return because it would help the new fans understand the storylines

  13. Hell yeah, this help me a lot with the factions. Being I just started watching last year i found out a lot. I hope they bring it back. It would help know the history of individual wrestlers on their rodmstar

  14. It would be great, but I imagine the amount of time and resources to produce something like this might be too much for the company. I mean, we still don’t get consistent english translations on pre-show VTR’s.

    Really wish they could have asked Showbuckle to work with them, instead of banning all of his content. Those video essays he used to do helped me get into NJPW the same way The Recount did.

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