Have your house parties / guests / visitors returned to pre-Covid levels?

I do NOT have a big place, nor have I ever, but for Thanksgiving , my kid’s birthday, or some of the winter holidays I’ve consistently hosted 3-8 social events a year, to the point that I ended up buying multiple packs of those flat-folding stools (you have a seat cushion with a recessed spaced in which the four sides that fold together hide), storage and preferences for paper/plastic dishes, etc.

Those things haven’t moved since December 2019. I would say that, literally with the exception of a friend in Kumagaya and one new dude, almost all my friends would self-label as introverts now, with one or two verging on agoraphobic – I haven’t seen them in ages, and from the sound of it they haven’t seen anyone at all in ages.

This is all pretty par for the course, yeah?

  1. Everything is as it once was with my friends and groups since around November/December. I have a few friends who still take precautions when out and about, but for the most part we are all as we once were.

  2. Yup. Sunday I have around 5 toddlers and theirs parent at home. Actually is more than before 😂 madness

  3. I was at near-zero pre-COVID, still at near-zero. We just meet outside the house, and that is at normal levels now.

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