Doing the same medical tests and requesting own medical record/data

I’ve been referred to a University hospital by my dental clinic for wisdom tooth extraction. They are also sending CD-R image data and tests. With this wisdom tooth extraction referral, I asked if I would be required to do another x-ray at the University hospital and I was told I probably would.

Is it common for hospital doctors to conduct the same exact tests despite the patient already having taken them and receiving said patient’s data from the clinic?

  1. 1) One the first question, my doctor gave me a picture of my past colonoscope and some of my conditions information and my patient history. I sometimes requested it and he sometimes he just gave it to me. (didn`t need to ask)

    2) I`m not sure of the logic with you having another colonoscope soon. The clinic should able to share the information and pictures with the referred hospital. I had the same thing happen last November and the `specialist` treated me first for a few months before the second scope.. (a flexible not a colonoscope) but a lot may depend on your problem.

  2. You will probably be required to do another xray. I go to an orthopedic doctor near my home for a condition. One day, I had a problem with the condition at work and went to a different ortho near work, and they made me do another xray, even though the treatment is really simple (no drugs) and IMO anyone ought to be able to walk in and get it.

  3. I did the same for a wisdom tooth as well (but did not have it extracted in the end). The X-ray at the dentist gave only 2D information and the root of the tooth was very close to a nerve, so the referral was to get a CT scan and get 3D imaging to see how close to the nerve it actually was (it was close enough that removing the tooth had a significant chance of severing it).

    If the measurements or imaging was not sufficient according to the bigger hospital’s standards, yes, they will likely repeat similar evaluations.

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