Experience with Robert Walters


Does any one here have any personal experience with RW? How were they? Bad/good compared to other recruiting agencies?

Thank you

  1. Very hit or miss depending who you talk with. Some are really pushy, quite a lot of them will also not notify you if you got rejected. On the other hand they have lots of connections and openings so depending on your industry you will get introduced to a lot of jobs.

    There’s a few decent recruiters. But overall I’d say I had more negative experiences than positive.

  2. I did an interview many years ago. At the end he ask me to sign a paper for sharing my resume and etc with other recruiting companies. I said no.
    Well until today I get emails with job offers from random RW, they also call from Tokyo to ask if I’m working and etc. already ask them to stop but nopes. What bother me is that their offer are so random…

  3. I receive emails from their agents every weeks, promising positions with cutting edge tech stack and “attractive” compensation. Whenever I inquire for details, they inevitable turn out to be from either Woven, Paypay, or Rakuten.

  4. Bad (some good), but mostly bad (Osaka). Haughty agents, no follow-ups, same auto-generated mails, get to really feel that you’re just a product. Awkward Linkedin PR photoshoots.

    Probably the reason for my experience is that I didn’t have enough market value, but sure as won’t get back there now that I’ve / when I’ve enough for them. Probably very different experience if you’ve very on demand skillset

  5. Positive experiance
    Basically had two offers on hand in few weeks.

    Depends on agent it must be hit or miss but can recommend.

  6. Depends on who you talk to. Ideally try to find agents who are senior consultant and above. That means they have a relatively good track record.

    Ideally try to find the agent that is working in the space you are looking for a job and approach them directly through Linkedin rather than sending your resume to the general apps part. Let me know from DM if you need help navigating.

  7. Depends on who you talk to. My first corporate job in Japan was via RW, and it was a very good experience overall.

    After that, the experiences with them have been terrible. These last few years I still get random messages from RW recruiters telling me about such and such position, even though my LinkedIn profile has a big tagline saying “RECRUITERS: DO NOT CONTACT ME” at the very top. Also, they don’t tell you the details of the position anyway.

  8. I work with them from a professional and cross functional standpoint. In my experience, it will depend on who your POC at RW is, whether the position is Temp or Long term, and what company they’re placing you at. One thing to be aware of, if you are working as a temp here in Tokyo, expect your salary to be significantly higher than normal (15-80% above market value in my experience) so if you try to look for a permanent position you’ll be hard pressed to find an equivalent salary as you’re essentially going to give up the high salary for job security. My brother worked for them for a while and had no complaints, but there wasn’t a lot of upward mobility or permanence to your work beyond a few years. Caveat being this was several years ago, but my current experience working with their dispatch workers tells me it hasn’t changed much.

    Edit: grammar and spelling

  9. I guess it depends on the agent but my experience was negative. Got paired for a position that was nothing like what the agent described. A total bad fit. The interviewer also told me they were expecting somebody with a complete different profile. It was embarrassing and a total waste of time for everybody.
    AND a few weeks later, I was contacted by a different RW agent for the exact same position. SMH.

  10. Not a fan. Someone from there randomly called a while ago (I ignored it since I didn’t recognize the number) then sent me an e-mail with my name spelled wrong despite my e-mail address having my name in it.

    My impression is that they’re just running the numbers trying to fill their quotas.

  11. I had good experience. They found me a job that fit my skills, told me the salary, we did a test and 2 interviews and then they wouldn’t budge on the salary and overtime requirement. I declined. おしまい!🎶

  12. Got a friend who works for a small recruitment firm specializing in IT placement and when I asked him why he didn’t switch to a big firm like RW, he just replied that they’re as much churn and burn as any other outfit, public image aside. He’s trying to build a rep where he is.

  13. I recommend you use it as one of your many resources. Take advantage of them, but don’t hold your expectations too high. I find my interview rate was much higher through them and the people I dealt from there ranged from ok to pretty nice. But I can totally see where most of the negative comments can come from tho

  14. It boils down to the agent you are working with. I’ve worked with really good people that actually help you get the job by going through job descriptions and them asking successful candidates to increase your chances. Then there some guys who thinks you are just a number to them.

  15. My wife says they told her she would have a software engineer job at the position in a team who would teach her skills, but then gave her basically a data entry job that didn’t involve any engineering, in a team that was totally dysfunctional and that anyone senior had already quit at. They actually were just trying to backfill a job of a previous contractor who also quickly quit. When she quit 3 months later the Robert Walters guy freaked out and begged her not to leave. Not a great look. They also refused to let her negotiate her contract so she got crappy compensation too. But at least she had a launch pad to get a much better job on her own.

  16. Pretty terrible experience personally. Felt like every conversation was an initial meeting and every role was with Rakuten.

  17. Bottom of the barrel for recruitment. They do quantity over quality approach. I have had 2 RW employees email me about positions that I currently am already working at. I even replied saying I was interested as a troll and it took one of them about 3-4 emails to even realise that I was already at the company in the role. So so bad.

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