NTT or auひかり

I’m moving into a new apartment soon and it seems like I have a choice between NTT or au for home broadband.

Anybody got experience with either of these companies? I’m struggling to decide which is the better of the two in terms of speed/reliability.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. What mobile phone provider do you use? Usually they would provide you discount if you have both home internet and mobile subscription from the same company.

  2. actually used both in the same apartment, NTT first, then changed contract to au. au all the way.

  3. Performance and speed of aU hikari has been great—no drops and consistent high speed, but getting the service was an absolute nightmare in my case. Probably won’t be bad for you since you’re in an apartment though.

  4. Curious about the cost? We’re on a legacy plan and interested in options. Haven’t taken the time to investigate this, too many other things to worry about now.

  5. I’ll add another vote for AU. Used them for about six months, and was really surprised at how well it worked. Never had an issue with it, and I live in the inaka, and **everything** has problems out here. 😉

  6. Living in Hiroshima, and never had a problem with NTT, always been as fast as I can get in the area.

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