Does making a claim raise home insurance premium?

My electric bycicle got stolen from within my property. Police file done. Insurance informed, they sent all the forms to request the claim.

Bicycle was found. We told the insurance and they said to check if anything was missing or broken and we could make a claim on them.
Today we picked up the bicycle and:

– the bicycle was clearly mistreated as there are marks around the rear grill
– broken rear mirror (I think they tried to remove it because it was not properly installed). Do not care much as it was from Amazon.
– a plastic cover from the fork missing.
– broken (plastic) of light, the one that comes with the bicycle, so connected to the motor. This will impossible to replace by ourselves and even if we fix the plastic, it decreases the resell value greatly. Pending to know it it works at all.

I was not planning on doing a claim if any accessories was missing but the light concerns me.

Would making this claim (which could be accepted or not) increase our premium in a future renewal in 4 years? I ask because in car insurance it would.

I assume both of us missing a working day to pick it up has no value for the insurance…

Any experience?

  1. >This will impossible to replace by ourselves and even if we fix the plastic, it decreases the resell value greatly

    I wouldn’t be too worried about the resell value of an electric bicycle. The battery will need replacement every few years. Lots of consumable parts (tyres, brake pads, all cabling and housing for brakes and gears etc…).

    I would never buy a second hand electric bicycle, just for the electric side of things.

    What I’m trying to get at is, if you are considering doing a claim just for selling the bike later, don’t bother.

    And for the record, our car insurance went up for a few years when we had to use it, due to chipping another car.

  2. We filed a claim for our house when our roof got damaged from a typhoon and our premiums didn`t increase. I don`t think it would be a substantial amount, so I wouldn`t worry if you want to file a claim.

  3. I filed a claim to have a large section of the floor in my apartment replaced after a plumbing disaster, and my renter’s insurance only went up a tiny bit– like Â¥1600 for the biennial premium

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