Japanese population falls in all 47 prefectures for 1st time – The Mainichi

Japanese population falls in all 47 prefectures for 1st time – The Mainichi


  1. Makes you wonder how Japan will be in the next few years, definitely won’t change if the youths aren’t standing up to the imbalance life because of work cultures.

  2. I saw something the other day about how many young males aren’t interested in getting a girlfriend. They cite both the emotional toll as well as the financial cost of having a mate is too high. Porn is just too good as well I guess.

  3. So whats the end game here? Unavoidable shrinking despite all the “make baby” money from the government + 2 million Chinese living in + Growing older population….

    Can Japan as we know reach 2050?

  4. I understand that the birth rate is supposedly falling but with one of the largest elderly populations in the world is it surprising that deaths exceed births by 2 to 1?

  5. This wouldn’t have happened if there wasn’t such an outrage about US troops coming over, knocking women up, and then leaving! /s

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