Looking for a book on Modern Japan (late 20th – 21st century)

I’m trying to look for a book that helps me understand Japan currently, such as the culture, society, contemporary issues, etc… I have a few history books that range from the Samurai to the immediate post war years, but if some one can recommend me some books on Modern Japan, I’d appreciate it!


  1. The Political History of Modern Japan, Foreign Relations and Domestic Politics, by Kitaoka Shinichi. Copyright 2018.

    It’s available in japanese and also available translated to English by Robert D. Eldridge. It’s published by Routledge.

    It’s not cheap but it’s dense with the information you’re looking for. It’s a university level text book.

  2. A Modern History of Japan by Andrew Gordon was pretty good. As with most Uni lv. texts it’s not super cheap so I borrowed it from the local library.

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