People with thick curly hair, how are you stopping the humidity from turning your hair into an absolute mess?

I’m a man, so I’m sure most men would just cut it short, but I like having longer hair.

My hair is thick and wavy. I’ve tried all kinds of different products and during the morning it’s always looking good and under control, but as the day goes on it gets so frizzy and curly (not so frizzy due to moisturizing products I use) but still ridiculously curly.

My hair looks like a bowl of black ramen.

I know it’s the length. When I had short hair and styled it with clay it would barely move, but my luscious locks just won’t be no man’s slave and arrogantly curl to a stupid degree.

Any hair tips from anyone would be great. If anyone happens to be in the beauty business with actual pro tips that would be amazing.

I use sulfate free shampoos/conditioner and add hair oil to lock in moisture. Hair is almost straight until around lunchtime when it gives up and explodes.

  1. hello, Curly haired here.

    I usually keep my hair short, but in the times that I want longer hair (read as: 5-7in) I use gel when I go to work to keep it down. I wash my hair in the morning, gel, then put on a hat or cap to form it down, half an hour later, take it off, go to work, stays flat all day.

    If you have longer hair, im sorry, I dont know how to help.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi! I have long curly hair too, I use kerastase anti-frizz spray (discipline fluidissime) after every hair wash and blow dry my hair.
    Takes forever to be honest, especially in this hot weather and yep it’s kind of a nightmare, but for me that’s the only way or tying up in a bun.

  3. Well my curly hair is long in my balding past, but my NW European/Japanese daughter’s hair, which is European-curly, makes an excellent hygrometer: I can guess the humidity within 10% by the state of it.

  4. I got Japanese hair straightening and it’s the best decision I ever made. 10/10

  5. Male and long haired, during summer I slap on extra treatment conditioner.

    If not I end up doing a bad impersonation of the Hair Bear Bunch….

  6. I wear a bun or ponytail in summer. I gave up after trying domestic and foreign products, and getting an expensive hair treatment at a salon…

  7. Thick curly hair here. Using hair masks works, get a cheap one from Donki and use it often. Shower spray works for keep up during the day. Basically humidity makes your hair soak up moisture from the air so my trick is to moisturize my dry hair as much as possible without making it greasy to ‘tame’ it. I bought horse and camellia oil shampoo and conditioner of Amazon and it works really well.

  8. Someone said it already but get it soaking wet, add gel, use a micro fiber to just get the dripping to stop but keep it wet. The next step is important, do NOT touch your hair until you reach your destination. Break the mold and use some sea salt spray or hair oil to get it to the right shape. After this however, if you sweat its going to become a frizzy mess again. You can just get it wet again and start over. Edit: a lot of people are recommending leave in conditioner but that is not whats causing your problem and will only lead to conditioner running down your face and back when you sweat (aka acne). The problem is the heat and moisture combination from the sweat which causes your curls to lose their hold. Again gel can help protect against this!

  9. Im a black dude but have thick curly hair. I usually just buzz cut it when ever it gets crazy hot.

  10. Gel. I have waist length curly hair (3A) and this is the only way I can keep sane. Day 1, it’s clipped up, wet with the gel, so it slowly air dries and forms a cast. Day 2, I clip it for the commute, then let it down. Day 3 I can get away with a ponytail. I re-apply gel as needed and have some at work. (Lately though it’s been clipped up and out of the way because it’s so damn hot)

    I tried for ages to use every other product but gel (avoiding alcohols), but the frizz made me feel like I was going feral. Now I just make sure I use conditioning products to balance it out.

  11. Usually, I have my curly hair cut short no past my shoulders. But because I’m getting married soon, my stylist and my MoH forbid me from cutting off my hair…
    In the end, bun, ponytails works for me.

    With the heat, I’m too lazy to style it to look pretty as it’s going to frizz up soon and it’s too hot to lay it down anyway

    Whenever indoors, I pineapple my hair up. So the bun sits on top of my head, not at the back.
    When going outside, I sometimes use a hair claw/clamp to make it look classy despite the bird’s nest.

    By the way, I do the following regardless of the season:
    – apply tons of hydration (such as water and leave-in conditioner) then seal it all in with hair gel or mousee so my hair will not suck up more humidity than I want to
    – i sleep on a pillow covered with satin/silk so my hair doesn’t tangle up the next day
    – every other day I wash it with those cooling shampoo/conditioner. I don’t wash my hair everyday because it’s drying it up, but i’m really tempted to!

  12. Finally bit the bullet and got a straightener. Huge huge difference. And if you dont want the HS super straight bangs look, just straighten the top down to just above your bangs. It’ll stop your hair from curling into an toilet sponge.

  13. If you don’t mind using feminine/female beauty products there’s a lot of hair products that are made to combat humidity caused frizz. One is the ColorWow Dream Coat. You spray it on and then straighten your hair (It needs heat to work). It creates a film around your hair shaft. Other than that are silicone-based products.

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