Former Japanese National

Hi there,

I am a former Japanese national trying to move back to Japan through a Child of Japanese National Visa. I was born and raised in Japan, but decided to move to America many years ago and naturalized through marriage. The marriage did not work out so we divorced some time ago, and I have come to the realization that America is not working out for me either, and just visiting Japan from time to time is not enough.

I do have family in Japan but they are all mostly too elderly to be my gaurantor or obtain a COE.

What options do I have?

1. Is there a way to move to Japan on a long term visa without any type of sponsor or gaurantor? Or is there an alternative to a relative guarantor? Like a company/lawyer that provides sponsor services, but would not be my employer?

2. My adult son is a Japanese citizen but currently lives in America with me. He will also be moving to Japan with me, but we plan to move at the same time for financial purposes. Can he sign as my gaurantor while still living in America? (I already assume this is a no since one of the required documents is a Juminhyo which he obviously will not have until living in Japan. But still wondering if there could be an exception to this since he is a Japanese citizen.)

3. Can I go to Japan on a short-term visa under “former Japanese national” ( section 7, b) together with my son, and then switch it to a long-term Child of Japanese National visa through a COE which my son could get for me? (I am aware that since 2019, switching visas has become limited but was wondering if this situation would be an exception)

4. Any other options?

Additional info: I have spoken with the consulate a few times already but was not able to get much info. I might speak to an immigration lawyer as well but thought I’d stop by here first.

Also, my renunciation has already been reported/recorded and I would just need to get a Joseki-Tohon to obtain the short term visa as a former Japanese national.

Thank you in advance.

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