Putting Japan’s coming inheritance windfall to good use

Putting Japan’s coming inheritance windfall to good use


  1. Interesting theory, but I’m not sure it will do more than boost spending for a bit. If money was the problem in Japan everything would be fine

  2. Right… And what do they think these “suddenly rich” people will spend it on?

    A new Sports car?? – Nah, that generally won’t happen.

    I believe it’ll be much the same as before, only now they will save it in their own bank accounts, instead of their parents.

    I doubt it will change anything…..

  3. The only thing this will probably do is shorten everyone’s ~~servitude~~housing loan from 35 years to 25ish, hence people will be able to retire at 65 instead of 75, so not actually changing anything at all compared to today’s economy

  4. More than half of this amount is received by the government in the form of inheritance taxes. This is one of the reasons why Japan is relatively better at wealth distribution than other countries.The really rich people are doing better, though.

  5. Just another “phew… we’re gonna be saved” moment. I was in Japan 1998 to 2013. Back then it was all the boomers were gonna retire and take up hobbies and spend money. They just did the typical thing and stayed home and spent nothing. Crisis save averted.

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