Hokkaido late October 7 Days itinerary review

Hi, I’ll go again in Japan in October (4th time) but my very first time in Hokkaido, where I’ll spend 1 week. I’m not really sure about my journey yet. From Tokyo to Sapporo (and back) I’ll take a flight, and during my stay in Hokkaido I think the best option is to buy a JRP Hokkaido. I was thinking also to add a day trip to Noboribetsu instead of Furano (day 4-5 maybe stay overnight) but I don’t know if it will worth it. Any advice/suggestions are really appreciated 🙂
from 19 to 26 of October (Only in Hokkaido)

**day 1 – 19 October**
Flight from Narita and arrive in Sapporo think at 2-3pm, check in, first sight of the city dinner and overnight there
**day 2 – 20 October**
Day in Sapporo, breakfast, Nijo Market and beer museum (I barely drink alcohol but i’m curious), activated my JRP Hokkaido pass.
Afternoon workout (suggestions for a good gym are very appreciated), then dinner and some city sightseeing
**day 3 – 21 October**
Day trip to Otaru, food and drink and back again to Sapporo (by train)
**day 4 – 22 October (still quite confused about this day)**
Day trip to Furano/Biei (?) or Day trip to Noburibetsu
**day 5 – 23 October**
Day trip to Lake Toya: onsen, food and drink, maybe rent a kayak or boat tour, then back to Sapporo
**day 6 – 24 October**
Breakfast, going to station and take train to Hakodate to stay there overnight. Mount Hakodate Ropeway.
**day 7 – 25 October**
I think I’ll stay in Hakodate till mid afternoon and then take a train to Sapporo for last evening. Eat again miso ramen and enjoy my last evening in Sapporo.
**day 8 – 26 October last day in Sapporo**
At mid day flying back to Tokyo and then take a train to Kamakura (one of my favorite place in Japan.
Any advice or change to make? As a solo traveler, I’ll stay most of the nights in hostel to save money and maybe meet people and ‘make new friends’.

1 comment
  1. I am confused by Day 7, why not fly to Tokyo directly from Hakodate – saves the four hour train trip back to Sapporo just for dinner and an annoying hotel change.

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