Weekly Complaint Thread – 27 July 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. 1 – (triggered by my disappointment last night when trying to enjoy some sweets) let’s take a perfectly good pound cake and fill it with orange peel and walnuts. That’ll make it better… These are my two most hated fillings in any food. I can’t think of any baked good that would be better with these added.

    2 – all day every day I have songs from お母さんといっしょ stuck in my head. And they aren’t むしむしフェスティバル.

    3 – having a bath with that gap around the outside. First thing to fall down there was wife’s wedding ring (eventually retrieved it), and yesterday that hiragana poster that my daughter absolutely loves fell down there and I can’t get it. Her disappointment was immense.

  2. Stop asking me what I brought for lunch!!

    Did you bring lunch?

    Yeah, I did.

    Really? I didn’t see it. What did you have?

    I just brought some stuff.

    Really? What was it?

    Just some stuff.

    Really? I didn’t see you have anything. Did you make something yourself?

    Fine, I didn’t bring anything because I can’t afford to bring lunch every goddamn day there’s no school lunch for like an entire month so fine, I didn’t have anything. Are you happy now?


  3. Yakult lady has a huge box slung over her shoulder. I sometimes see her walking up flights of stairs. Seems like a hard job.

    Today she walks into my office like she does everyday. None of her regular customers are here. It happens. What really pisses me off is how everyone completely ignores her. I never buy anything myself, but next time there’s nobody I’m going to buy something and treat her like another human being.

  4. Eco-clean has gone too far! All hotels doing eco clean I’ve used so far would exchange bath towels if you put them outside in a bag or similar. This hotel actually wants me to lug it all down to the reception to get new ones. Madness!

  5. Not a complaint but anyone triggered/shocked by a whole family going to a prison? I’m talking about the recent crime happened in Sapporo which involved a 29 y.o daughter, her father then they found out that her mother was involved as well. Also why the victim (62 y.o) got involved with someone in the age of his daughter?

  6. I’m a TPM and I’m taking over from someone else.

    Of course, the previous TPM is just like jumping in at points and making promises to stakeholders that are basically not happening (either impossible or a huge waste of time to do now vs waiting month).

    He curiously disappears when it comes around to cleaning up the messes though….

  7. Fever chills and aches ruined my night. I don’t usually get sick like this

  8. I have to do job hunting in this heat and possible thunderstorms because the job that I was supposed to have by now changed their offer. I had applied for a full-time position via a placement agency that is supposed to be, and it clearly says in their ad and website, okay with foreigners. I suppose that I should have been more careful but I still feel fucked over.

    Some time ago, I heard from a friend that she could only do spot part-time work in IT because the company she does part-time at won’t sponsor work visas. It got me wondering about this future employer of mine. I realized that the placement agency never asked me for what kind of visa I hold. I brought it up to them. I also brought up that I only need a form filled-up once nearing expiration, will the company be okay with it? and related. Instead of giving me a clear yes and no, they change my offer to contractual with the end date of 2 months prior to residence card expiration.

    I wanted to ask them, are they shitting me?! Sure they added there that I could be renewed but, the change of position aside, I find them very questionable and untrustworthy. Why that specific date? It’s way past any companies’ probationary period yet it’s less than a year. Work visa renewal should be non-issue. My last renewal was allowed even when I was on… uncharted territory. Just why?

    Anyway, after going through many things including underemployment here in Japan and growing to distrust Japanese people, I’ve decided to eff it and decline the offer. Hopefully immigration doesn’t become strict with the three months post-resignation.

    ETA: The heat this noon reminded me why I’m extra upset with the lost opportunity despite also having short-sightedness on my side. I almost got heat stroke going to that interview that’s supposed to be a seishain position.

  9. Going to England tomorrow and my washing machine randomly conked out 2 days ago lol. Ridiculous timing, but extremely thankful for Joshin’s next day delivery!

    Not so happy about spending a buttload of money just before my trip though. But such is life 🤷🏼‍♀️

  10. I’m sick of 転職活動. Rejection after rejection. Got past a few interviews for a great job, thought I did well in the final one. Then rejected. At this point, I’m not sure what to do. It all feels pointless. Just feels like you wasted dozens of hours of your life preparing for the interview then getting blown out.

    Also when did N1 becomes necessary for everything, I thought it was N2 for the longest time. I don’t feel like studying for that test again.

    I can’t wait for the day I can just hang up my hat, settle down, and not have to work about recruitment hell anymore.

    Is it normal to get zero feedback after a rejection here? I would like to know what I did wrong, maybe it’s a liability thing.

  11. I’m flying on Jetstar. I hate Jetstar.

    It was either Jetstar at 13,000 yen for a one hour domestic flight, or ANA/JAL both at a cool 50,000 yen.

  12. Yesterday in the train there was a homeless looking japanese man coughing his lungs out, wearing his fucking mask as a chin diaper.
    Fuck him. Today I got a sore throat, I m gonna craft his voodoo doll out of dry ramen and fucking stick katana blades in his butt until Sunday.

  13. Complaint 1: Miyazaki’s last film has nothing to do with the novel despite having the exact same name. Wouldn’t be so bad if literally ANYTHING was shown about the film before release. Movie was still fun but just not what I expected

    Complaint 2: I have a second interview tomorrow with a company and I feel like I’m being duped. Usually after the first interview you just get the 残念ながら if you failed or a “you will move on to the next stage” if you pass. But this company, despite telling me there are a max of 4 interviews, sent me an email saying “we believe your experience can benefit our company greatly and would like to invite you to an interview with a representative of the company” and I’ve never had a follow up interview with wording that specific. I’m not gonna post the whole email of course but it reads as if I already got the job. Never had that happen and while that’s nice I just feel like I’m gonna get rejected anyway lol

  14. Not sure if it’s the imposter syndrome kicking in but I’m struggling with all this “expectations” I’m expected to pull off at my new job. Yes, I know I’m hired to do the job. Yet still. Like the pressure “to do great since we’re paying you good money” is giving me extra stress, if you know what I mean.

    It especially sucks because my new manager introduced me to everyone as “the foreigner who will change things.” He maybe wasn’t serious or might’ve been joking, I dunno. Sometimes Japanese humor flies over my head. But I’m starting to have second thoughts with everything I do. Am I doing things right? Am I meeting their expectations?

  15. Co worker keeps hanging out in my classroom even when I’m not even there. Like bro give me some space. I don’t want to be talking about work all the fucking time.

  16. My credit card company decided that one time verification code was a good idea… now if I want to buy something over 20,000 yen or in a foreign currency I have to do this stupid code app to verify I am purchasing the item or I have to call them.

  17. Boyfriend decided that Japan sucks and moved to Australia on a working holiday. After 5 years together… now we are long distance.

  18. This week is shit. Also the weather IS HORRIBLE. I almost died riding my bike today

  19. I gotta pay 550 dollars for apartment cleaning fee when I move out and then they tack on MORE for little marks on the wall

  20. 1) my hair is falling out

    2) I am broke(!!!!!!)

    3) I found out I failed a test terribly even though I tried my best to study for it

    4) my mindspace bobs in and out of despair and hopefulness like a first time swimmer in a pool with those arm floaties

  21. My partner was offered a new 6-month contract at her work. However, she requested it to be a 3-month contract because we were talking about maybe doing a long overseas trip in the future.

    When I asked her why she specifically requested a shorter contract, she said it was because the contract doesn’t allow you to quit until the period is complete. When I told her that rule is basically slavery and is completely illegal, and she would have no problem giving 2-weeks notice and quit any time, she acknowledged that I was correct. She even acknowledged that getting the 6-month contract would be better for her.

    But she still requested the shorter contract because of her ingrained Japanese work ethic. Grrrrr.

  22. While in public:

    Sniffing and sniffing instead of blowing nose.

    Talking with your mouth full (seems more women than men do this here, just an observation).

    Using your wet towel, after you’ve already wiped your hands and mouth with it, as something to clean the table with. So gross.

  23. Can a guy get a proper can of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli here! Come on Japan, let’s stock these convenience store shelves with that ooey gooey goodness! Or could we at least get some pizza rolls. I can’t remember the last time mom made them for me, 15…20 years. *sigh*

  24. I’m gonna be moving out and my winter clothes are tooo heavy! What do I do? How do I deal with my winter clothes? I already filled out my moving out boxes with my room’s things. Help please!

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