Hi guys!
Recently I’ve added to my studies the habit to download Japanese subtitles of some animes I like and study with them. Today, I would like to share with you one of my favorites monologues. It’s from Oregairu S2 EP 8 when Hachiman finally opens up. The monologue is fairly simple, but there are some complex and unusual words here and there. I’m gonna put the transcription below and you can read alongside the audio with this link: [https://youtu.be/Kb4jHTVcP-c?t=19](https://youtu.be/Kb4jHTVcP-c?t=19)
PS: If you are a very beginner, you gotta be careful when studying with anime. I frequently have conversation classes with Japanese teachers, so I kinda developed some sort of filter against weird or uncommon speaking patterns. Hachiman is more or less okay, but use this kind of resource with caution. Try to remember the words and their meaning, but don’t try to copy or mimic the way the characters speak.
After the transcription I’m gonna add the vocabulary list. Please enjoy.
分かりたい 知っていたい知って安心したい
安らぎを得ていたい 分からないことはひどく怖いことだから
だけど もしももしもお互いがそう思えるなら
それでも… それでも俺は
俺は… 俺は… 本物がほしい
* 俺 ( おれ ): I, me
* 言葉 ( ことば ): word, expression, term, language, dialect
* 確かに ( たしかに ): surely, certainly
* 分かる ( わかる ): to understand, to comprehend
* 仲良く (なかよく ): on good terms (with), on friendly terms (with)
* 一緒に ( いっしょに ): together (with) , at the same time
* 知る (しる ): to know, to be aware of
* 安心 ( あんしん ): relief, peace of mind
* 安らぎ (やすらぎ ): peace of mind, tranquility
* 得る ( える ): to get, to earn, to acquire
* 怖い ( こわい): scary, frightening
* 完全 ( かんぜん ): perfect, complete
* 理解 ( りかい ): understanding, comprehension
* 独善的 ( どくぜんてき ): self-righteous
* 独裁的 ( どくさいてき ): dictatorial
* 傲慢 ( ごうまん ) : haughty, arrogant, insolent
* 願い ( ねがい): wish, desire
* 願望 ( がんぼう): desire, wish, aspiration
* 気持ち( きもち ): feeling, sensation
* 悪い (わるい ): bad, evil, undesirable
* 醜い (みにくい ): ugly
* 自己満足 ( じこまんぞく ): self-satisfaction
* 押し付ける (おしつける ): to press against, to push against, to force against
* 許容 ( きょよう ): permission, allowance, acceptance, tolerance
* 関係性 ( かんけいせい ): relationship, relation
* 存在 (そんざい ): existence, being
* 絶対 ( ぜったい): absolutely, definitely, unconditionally
* 手 (て ): hand
* 届く ( とどく ): to reach
* 本物 ( ほんもの ): genuine article, real thing, real deal
You can look up the missing words at [jisho.org](https://jisho.org).
Let me know if you guys like this sort of content. Then maybe I can bring other dialogues too.
Thank you very much.