Police rang my door while I was at work but left no note?

Not to sure exactly what this was about, but I came home from work yesterday to have seen that a police officer (Was wearing the uniform so I could tell) had rung my door. There was a picture of it on my intercom (I was at work at the time and didn’t know about it until I got home) but there was no note or anything posted through the letter box?

I’m honestly not to sure what this was about? I’d have assumed they’d leave at least a note or something to tell me what it would be about? Does anyone have any idea? I live in the Hiroshima prefecture in 4 apartment building.

Thanks <3

  1. I’ve had police come to my door before. In every case it was either a new officer assigned to the neighborhood who wanted to introduce himself or taking a sort of census on neighborhood people so the police are familiar with everyone. I assume if it was serious you’d know by now.

  2. Recruiting, maybe they want you to join the force. I heard you got moves kid.

  3. NHK goons can easily be mistaken for police officers. But they don’t ride bicycles because they are poor!

  4. It’s likely to be a census thing. Once it happened to me and I got a bit scared to have to police come to my home. Years later in a new place it happened again and I actually didn’t answer because I distrusted it was even the police. There was no note left or anything 🤷🏻‍♀️

  5. Could be anything. I’ve had police ring around my apartment building a few times because a neighbor kept parking in the wrong spot and the owner of that spot wanted them to move–they just didn’t know who it was, so the police made their rounds.

  6. They come around and ask for your details is living there, what do they do. I don’t think they have a legal right to collect the information but if there was an emergency then they would have some idea of who was in the house or building. They are very nice about it. Nothing to worry about.

  7. I had one knock on my door because someone in our parking lot had left their lights on and he was trying to find them. Might have been no big thing

  8. There’s every chance that he visited someone for some reason, then wanted to chat with the neighbors for more information.

  9. Probably wanted to see what type of foreigner lives there.
    It happened with me on my old city before. Rang my door, asked where I work, what kind of work, my name and phone number and that’s all. Sometimes they come once a year to check.

  10. Did you just move in recently?
    I was visited before as well when I first moved in to a new place. they just wanted to introduce themselves and ask for your emergency contact just in case anything happen.

  11. They ring my door sometime but i just ignore it since if it is really important they will give a note . Mostly like when you new at the neighborhood so they want to know who is living in the area.

  12. This happened to me, scared the shit outta me, they returned later and they informed me that one of my neighbors (in the apartment building) wanted to purchase a hunting rifle or some kind of gun, so they just wanted to check if any of the neighbors had any concerns about that.

  13. A few days ago, someone knocked on the neighbor’s door and broke something there. Police knocked on doors to see if the person also did the same to other people. I was washing the car outside, so they talked to me, but the next door neighbor wasn’t home, so they just didn’t.

  14. They’ve only knocked here once, to ask if I’d heard a jumper land (right outside my front door). I doubt they would have left a note if I hadn’t answered… maybe there was something happening in the neighborhood.

  15. The police usually keep a list of everyone who lives in the neighborhood. They come around every couple of years.

  16. That happens. They just come to check up and say hi to people. Caught me off guard too 😂

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