Permanent Residence query

I’m sure this has been asked here multiple times but, how long does it usually take to get your PR? Also is it worth hiring a lawyer to handle the procedure for you and if so is there anyone who has a good reputation for this? Cheers!

  1. Best case scenario where all your documents are in order, between 6 to 9 months.

    OK scenario where you may have a few documents missing here and there so they need to investigate you more or request more documents but your application isn’t so hopeless that they will reject it outright, 8 months to a year maybe.

  2. I honestly think it depends on where you apply and the number of applicants.
    I applied out in the boons, and no joke, got mine in 2 weeks.

  3. I got mine in 4.5 months, my wife in 5, my older kid in 4, and my younger kid in 2~3 weeks (but she was born when I already had PR so she can use the accelerated track). I heard that it takes more time nowadays though.

    As for lawyer, some people swear up and down for them, but consider I have a 4-0 record, should I have another child then I can think of better ways to use 100,000~150,000 yen than to pay someone to wait in line for me.

  4. I hear it takes around 6 months, but longer if you are missing anything. I personally hate immigration office and the people who work there. I’m going to hire a lawyer for 100K, worth it considering you only need it once in your life. I’ve seen some places that charge 50K for application 50K for acceptance. Average rate looks like 100K~150K JPY,

  5. A lawyer isn’t necessary, but if it’s worth it depends on what your time is worth. It’s a decent amount of legwork collecting all the documents required.

  6. It depends on where you take it… 4 months is slow in Fukuoka, the few PRs I talked about were 3.

    As for the lawyer… it depends on your situation. For me it was a day off to go to city hall, tax office and immigration, 10 minutes for the “why I want to be PR” essay, and, true I had to ask papers from work and my guarantor two weeks before.

    I dont make 10man in a day, so yeah, lawyer did not make sense in my case. If your situation is trickier, maybe?

  7. I handed my documents around 18th November last year and picked up my new permanent resident card on 23rd June, so it took pretty much exactly 7 months. Didn’t use a lawyer and went the ten years route. Getting the documents together wasn’t too hard, just a bit time consuming going to the different offices. Had to send one extra piece of documentation in for pension the week after I handed it in (I was told about it at immigration during the initial check and given an envelope), but other than that 0 communication during the process.
    The most annoying bit was the 3 and a half hour wait to pick up the new card…Good luck!

  8. Mine took ~3-4 months and did it myself.
    Was pretty easy to gather everything on my own and the immigration office checked everything when I dropped it off, asked for one item to be redone as they wanted a more recent copy, and I asked them if I should include some extra documentation that wasn’t required (land/home purchase documentation to show I was settled here). They said yes, so I included that as well in my submitted.
    I went out and got the newer paperwork as requested and sent it to them in the envelope they provided and waited. Got the notification in a few months to go to immigration and what stamp to purchase.
    Super easy in my case and couldn’t see where a lawyer could have made it easier/quicker.

  9. My lawyer submitted my application 8 months ago and still haven’t heard back from them…

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