Insistence Door Knocking on Apartment

So this been going on for a while, I live on a apartment some random japanese men knock on my door stay and then keave doesn’t take half an hour they come back and knock again trying to see if anyone is at home.

What’s this weird pattern? Why Japanese hound like sharks circling and then come knocking? Do they think it’ll summon whoever at home like this? I know I am at home but I don’t want to open, they don’t look like salesmen or salary men they don’t look anything like “open the door is important.”

  1. If it were important, they’d leave a note in your mailbox. Ignore it otherwise.

  2. Put **“no soliciting”** stickers near the door bell and on your door. It’s been peace and quiet, since I added mine. I also have one on my mailbox.

  3. Talk to them trough the door, if you don’t like what they have to say, tell them to leave and not come back because you are not interested. If you’re a woman alone pretend your husband is there too.

  4. Could be police in plainclothes. I know if they want to talk someone urgently but there is no arrest warrant or dangerous situation, they may keep coming back to the same house and ring the door, even at really weird hours.

  5. You haven’t been ignoring any phone calls have you?

    Last time I had a situation like this it was the building maintenance people who wanted to check the fire and gas alarms.

  6. Just answer the door man. If you are scared buy a BB gun and answer the door in your boxers with the handle sticking out and the muzzle close to your crotch. Wear no shirt, dry out your eyes and act like you’re chewing on gum or smoking a cig. That way they will know you mean business and refuse to bother you. Scratch the handle for extra effect.

    For the people out there that think I’m for real, this is a joke.

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