English Speaking Obgyn Yokosuka area?

We are moving to either the Yokosuka or Yokohama area next month (depending on the best place we find for us) for work and I am almost 20 weeks pregnant. I want to start scheduling appointments soon so I don’t have a gap in my prenatal care. I am looking for an English speaking obgyn in either area, or possibly Tokyo if that’s better. Any help is appreciated ! Bonus points for Doula suggestions.

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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **English Speaking Obgyn Yokosuka area?**

    We are moving to either the Yokosuka or Yokohama area next month (depending on the best place we find for us) for work and I am almost 20 weeks pregnant. I want to start scheduling appointments soon so I don’t have a gap in my prenatal care. I am looking for an English speaking obgyn in either area, or possibly Tokyo if that’s better. Any help is appreciated ! Bonus points for Doula suggestions.

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