Japanese city apologizes after advising pregnant women to cook, clean and give husbands massages | CNN

Japanese city apologizes after advising pregnant women to cook, clean and give husbands massages | CNN


  1. Weirdly mysoginistic.

    At face value, Id take a message for having cleaned and cooked.

  2. men act based on theories while women act based on emotion, and that’s why women need to spend all their energy to prop up the emotions of their husbands. makes sense to me.

  3. There are definitely flyers that advise men to cook, clean and give their wives massages before and after pregnancy. They usually don’t go into neurological differences between men and women, though.

  4. “We’re sorry these stupid women left the kitchen long enough to get offended and complain about us. We sincerely hope to avoid this situation in future by asking all women to never leave home.” -city government.

  5. Japan is really struggling to get out of this way of thinking. I recall 10 years ago when a male MP shouted down a female MP and told her she should go home and make kids. Nothing has changed has it?

    Meanwhile all the ancient MPs in Japan are falling asleep in meetings while getting paid over 1000man yen a year. I could solve the pension crisis by reducing the amount of Japanese MPs to 25% of the current population.

  6. “Men act based on theories, women act based on emotions.”

    Ahh yes that’ll explain all the douchebag road rage guys tailgating slow drivers, there actions are data driven theoretically backed actions guaranteed to get them from A to B in a safe and efficient manner.

    The absolute chicken-brained Chuckleheads

  7. Apologises but does nothing to actually remedy the situation.

    History books will write about the decline of Japan and students will be like “why didn’t they just do this?” And the teacher won’t have an answer.

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