Ai-chan kidnapper?

Ai-chan kidnapper?

  1. Hopefully high profile cases like this one will make other countries shame Japan into changing its bullshit laws

  2. She has never been a great person to start with. Blamed her mother in law for her failed marriage and couldn’t handle living in a different country like most of us do and used that as an excuse telling it to viewers on TV.

  3. If you have children with a Japanese partner and you are separated and in another country, never let them go to Japan for a holiday! You won’t ever see your children again!

  4. I can’t fathom how people who kidnap their own children and deny the other parents and kids any chance of contact or communication see it as the right thing to do. Just for the simple fact that it has an immensely detrimental impact on the children is reason enough. Extremely emotional and intellectually immature behavior.

  5. Why are so many J wifes so evil I don’t get it, this happens all the time it shows those woman don’t have any empathy, emotions, feelings,love just pure evil narcissistic, egoistic and shellfish they just think about themselves not about the child they Child lives is already from that moment mentally f…K.up

  6. This shit happens so much that I feel like Foreign spouses need to have a talk with their kids when they are young to let them know that if partner ever runs off with them and says they abandoned them and don’t love them anymore that they are lying and have been kid napped. The same way you have to have a talk with your kids and let them know that it’s not okay for other adults to ask to see or touch their private areas…

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