Worse than black? Japan study on heat-beating shirt colors reveals infrared absorbers – The Mainichi

Worse than black? Japan study on heat-beating shirt colors reveals infrared absorbers – The Mainichi


  1. Im gonna wear Black clothing anyways no matter what. If I was working outsidefor long time, then I would consider other colors but usually you cant choose your colors as worker anyways lol. Just I dont feel comfortable wearing other colours than mostly Black.

  2. Pretty sure that this was done as a high school science experiment back in the 80s (or before). But I guess it’s good to keep repeating the experiments just in case?

  3. Doesn’t matter what colour I wear, I am sweating buckets and look fucking disgusting regardless

  4. First: This is an old study. Not news.

    Second: I suppose it makes sense that dark green is the most absorbent color, right? Otherwise chlorophyll and plants that use it would have evolved to be black, which would make for a very strange and dead-looking planet.

  5. I wear black a lot, for……. reasons. I do have white shirts, but they show sweat like no other. Might have to give yellow a go.

  6. But yellow atracts insects and sweat stains are more easily visible on light gray. So these are not good to wear in summer.

  7. Ok this is not a junior high science class experiment and the militaries around the world and research done by multibillion dollar sports leagues and franchises have shown the color of clothing makes no difference in the temperature of the skin. There are dozens of different variables that make it so, perspiration, air flow, humidity, material of the clothing, ect. If the color of clothing made a difference then no professional sports teams would wear black, no militaries would use black, in fact the US military switched to jet black uniforms in the Middle East several years ago…. Why would they switch to black uniforms in the Middle East if black is so much hotter? The answer is bc it isn’t and the material of the clothing is the only thing that matters. The same reason why lots of sports teams use black instead of lighter colors. Tribes in Saudi Arabia use all black clothing too.

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