Japan city pulls ‘anachronistic’ flyers sent to expectant mothers – The Mainichi

Japan city pulls ‘anachronistic’ flyers sent to expectant mothers – The Mainichi


  1. The fact that no issues were raised by the female members of the team that help create this document over 5 years speaks volumes about the inner workings and power structures at city hall.

    Either those women were all ultraconservative, elderly, or not in a position where they felt they could freely express their thoughts or opinions about their work.

  2. Oof. You just know that with a document so toxic that the women on staff didn’t feel like they could raise any issues with it without the toxicity being directed at them. Onomichi isn’t big (a little more than 130k people) but it isn’t absolute inaka either, I’m glad that some residents called them on this.

    And they wonder why women aren’t as keen on having children…to pressure them to not just drop everything to care for their children but also to drop everything (including their own self-care) to care for and appease the feelings of a full-grown manchild at the expense of their own mental and physical health? After nine months of pushing her body to its limits? What a mystery! End your career and become a servant to everyone else in your household after carrying a child for months and giving birth. Don’t show your emotions or stress because that will just inconvenience your husband. No matter what you’ve done, it’s never enough, do more and do it better. But yeah, these are tips to help make child rearing easier…

    On who?

  3. Saved you a click:

    > The flyers, titled “From an experienced dad to you,” were based on the results of a survey of about 100 fathers with child-rearing experience residing in the city between November 2017 and February 2018. The top three responses were published for each of the following prompts: “Words my wife said that made me happy,” “Attitudes (or words) from my wife that I didn’t like,” “Things my wife did that made me happy,” and “Things I wish my wife would do for me.”

    > The responses to the second prompt were, ranked from first to third, “She got frustrated for no reason” or “got annoyed over the slightest thing and took it out on me,” “She was busy taking care of the baby and not doing chores,” and, “She didn’t do anything for me” or “didn’t take care of the children.”


    At the pink square down left below, it says ‘There’re structural differences between male and female brains. Science proves that men act based on logics while women act on emotions. ‘

    Only your rural bureaucratic brains are fucked up, you brainless useless morons

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