Eijyuken information

I’m trying to get more information if anyone is able to assist

I have a visa that is child of Japanese (special kind of visa) as I’m reading all the English/Japanese websites I’m still unclear on a certain part. I also can’t get ahold of the embassy or immigration office as their phones are backed up. All I need is one important information.
Im trying to switch my visa to Eijyuken. It mentions I need to make a certain amount of income. It’s me and my daughter. Im assuming it’s 3.5million yen yearly. But is this after taxes or do I need to make over 3.5million yen Meaning like “take home” is ¥3.5million yen or total amount is ¥3.5million yen for the year. Or should I make more just to be safe? Thanks I’m advance. (I’m still contacting the office so please do tell me too)

1 comment
  1. 350,000 yen yearly, you’d be living in a cardboard box and eating leftover bento box rice found in a trash can.

    No PR for you.

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