Family and friends of Shinzo Abe attend private funeral in Tokyo.

Family and friends of Shinzo Abe attend private funeral in Tokyo.

  1. Family and friends of Japan’s former prime minister, Shinzo Abe, have attended his funeral at a Buddhist temple in Tokyo while members of the public paid their respects outside, four days after he was shot dead while making a campaign speech.

    Mourners in black suits and dresses gathered at Zojoji temple for the private funeral service, while police officers monitored onlookers, some holding bunches of flowers, who had braved the early afternoon heat.

  2. From what I saw on Japanese twittersphere, they looped around Kasumigaseki a few times to get the crowd going. Seems LPD is going to milk this.

  3. Didn’t wish death on him, or anybody. But did not like Abe or his family at all.

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