Who’s winning Okada-Ospreay round 9?

Who’s winning Okada-Ospreay round 9?

  1. Stoked to be going to Ota gym for this tomorrow.
    Could go a lot of ways I think:
    1. time limit draw (though I don’t see a draw closing this show) it could protect the story that Will still can’t beat Okada clean
    2. Ospreay wins, but dirty and desperate, like how he pulled out all the stops at Forbidden Door
    3. Okada wins and maybe that’s it, Ospreay defends the US title at Wrestle Kingdom against a returning Uemura then leaves Japan

  2. I think Ospreay gets the win here for sure. Ospreay has talked about how much more he wants to do in Japan, so I definitely see him pulling out the win, maybe with a cheeky rollup tho.

  3. I think Ospreay has to win. Even an Okada draw guarantees his advancement unless Ospreay and Taichi win all their remaining matches AND Okada loses to both KENTA and Tanga.

  4. For us to be able to get Okada vs Kaito inn the semi’s Okada has to finish second in the block. And i don’t see anyone else who they’d let beat Okada other than Ospreay in the block. I was hoping we’d get a draw & that would lead to Ospreay finally beating Okada at the Dome. But i don’t think that’s happening. I think if Ospreay’s staying in New Japan he’ll face Kenny at WK18 & beat him. And if Opreay’s leaving then he’ll face Shingo who would have to beat him at the RevPro anniversary show.

  5. I think either Ospreay wins, or they go to a draw.

    I just can’t see Okada beating him for the third straight year unless people are right and he really is leaving NJPW, which I hope he doesn’t.

    OP pointed out that a time-limit draw at least protects that story. An Ospreay win can advance it. If Okada just beats him again… I don’t know. The match is gonna slap. That’s for damn sure.

  6. Has to be either Okada or draw.

    Ospreays first clean win on Okada needs t lo be at a bigger stage

  7. This has time-limit draw written all over it and I love it. Will’s win over Okada should be for the belt or in a NJC/G1 final.

  8. Fun fact, the only time Ospreay beat Okada (with GoK help but whatever) it was under 20 minutes.
    But honestly I think it either end on a draw or Okada winning

  9. I’m thinking it’s an Okada v Kiyomiya in the first round of the elimination matches ….with Kiyomiya knocking off Okada.

    I think that means Okada has to finish first at this point, and Kiyomiya has to finish second.

    So, my pick is which ever results in Okada v Kiyomiya.

  10. I think it would be interesting to have a time limit draw here and have both Ospreay and Okada move on to the quarter finals . Both men advance to the finals and Opsreay beats Okada in the finals .

  11. For me it really comes down to what Okada is doing at Wrestle Kingdom.

    If he isn’t in the main event for the title, isn’t fighting Kiyomiya, and isn’t fighiting Danielson, then his opponent for WK is probably Ospreay. If this is the case I see Okada winning here to then later challenge for the US Title at WK.

    If Okada will not be feuding with Ospreay post G1, and his plan is trios title through the fall, and then a rematch against Kiyomiya or Danielson for Wrestle Kingdom, then I see Ospreay getting the clean victory here so that he finally has that feather in his cap.

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