Work, study contract or visa possibility for 20 years old

Regarding the declining population and encouragement for younger workforce to come into japan – What really are my possibilities to get into Japan as intern or just basic worker? Especially in the field of clothes/fashion design? More or so on shoe making etc?

For example: There are ausbildung courses in Germany where student/worker permitted to work/study in general areas for over 3 years.

Just a brief information would suffice. Thanks

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Work, study contract or visa possibility for 20 years old**

    Regarding the declining population and encouragement for younger workforce to come into japan – What really are my possibilities to get into Japan as intern or just basic worker? Especially in the field of clothes/fashion design? More or so on shoe making etc?

    Just a brief information would suffice. Thanks

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  2. I’m not sure of where you come from or who told you that Japan was encouraging younger people to come but I am an exchange student in Japan right now and there’s no such thing. Especially for unskilled workers.

    Interning in Japan does not exist like in the West. That means it’s not 1 month to 6 months usually but more like a week or two. Nonetheless, if you speak japanese, you can pretend to search for these types of internship in foreign companies such as banks, luxury firms, stuff like that.

    Don’t even try to apply if you don’t speak the language. Even intermediate level will not be enough. N2 is good tho.

    Finally, I can’t help you about the clothing industry specifically sorry. Your best entry door would be to have a background of japanese studies beforehand.

    What many japanese companies are searching for these days are engineers but besides that it’s pretty hit or miss.

  3. >What really are my possibilities to get into Japan as intern

    Slim. As u/KhalVici97 mentioned interning doesn’t really exist here.

    >or just basic worker?

    Basically nonexistent. With a *very* few exceptions you need a university degree to get a visa.

    >Especially in the field of clothes/fashion design?

    See “University Degree”. Or you need to graduate from a Japanese vocational school.

    >shoe making

    There’s no visa for that. The ***only*** option would be graduating from a Japanese vocational school.

    >There are ausbildung courses in Germany where student/worker permitted to work/study in general areas for over 3 years.

    Apprenticeships exist in Japan… For Japanese people. Not foreigners.

    >Regarding the declining population and encouragement for younger workforce to come into japan

    Again parroting u/KhalVici97: Not sure who told you that, but it’s absolutely not true. Japan is trying to encourage *skilled* workers to move to the country, but there’s not a blanket “bring in the young people”.

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